The Present

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Present Day: June 11, 1969

I walk through the streets as I head towards my destination. The sun long gone the only thing that illuminated my pathway was street lights, fog was heavy as the humid air seemed to struggle in and out of my lungs. I walk down an alleyway as I hear the distant noise of traffic. I duck behind a trash can as a back door to some restaurant opens.

"Man Tito tonight was such a bitch."

The only response that man gets is a grunt. I hear a bang as the trash can in front of me moves slightly. I hear the door close back as I peak from the around the can.  Since the coast is clear I continue on down my path when I near the check point the smell of the sea burns my noise.

Why is it always the docks?!

I complain as I make a left down another alley.

The same reason that's it's always in a back alley.

Ember responds causing me to shake my head. I had amerced myself in the ways of a modern day vigilante, the job paid well and it allowed me to use my own methods in the process. I had been given the street name Black Shadow in achievement of all my work. The job included making people hurt and believe me I was good at that. I made another right before I quickly ducked into a slight intake in the wall. I sat in a dark corner, patiently waiting for my contact to arrive. Since my escape from the hell hole I had made my way to the other side of the territory, in the city no one ever bothered to come to. Churchwell. I chuckle in spite of the name it is the heaviest spot for crime. Yet no wolf stayed here long all for one reason.

The docks

The smell of the sea is horrendous  but after being here so long you build up a tolerance. My eyes shoot forward as I hear the hurried scuff of human foot steps.

Their species was not made for this line of work.

I tell Ember as she scoffs in agreement.

Humans, I can't stand the lot of them.

I don't reply as the human rounds the corner. The man took a deep breath as he checked both ways before turning towards the wall, he lightly places an envelope and a ring under a basket then quickly shuffles back the way he came. I wait before his foot steps are completely out of range before I bother to move. I make my way out of the shadows slowly letting my ears be my eyes as I made my way towards the basket. I quickly lift and grab the items stowing them away in my jacket before hearing something fall down the alley. There is a shuffle of feet before a familiar scent hits my nose. I take off running the opposite direction as I hear the once silent feet start to quickly shuffle my way. I turn a corner quickly jumping on a trash can using it as a boost to reach a ladder above me. I climb the outside of the stair well as I make my way onto the roof once on top I continue to run knowing better than to check behind me.

These are not humans.

I hear Ember as I jump from roof to roof. I laugh as I take in a breath.

Believe me I know.

I jump from building to building again landing before running left. As I near the edge I hear feet land behind me. I quickly slide down the latter on the side of the building before I take off running towards the street. I hear the shoes land behind me again much sooner than last time.

They're gaining on you!

I hear Ember yell as I make my way onto the street. I quickly turn left silently slipping through a crowd on the sidewalk. I continue to run keeping a good pace I glance over my shoulder before make an abrupt right crossing the road. I run straight down the alleyway ahead of me as I am about to turn the scent hits me again. I quickly stop and turn myself another way but it is to late. I hear the growl of wolves all around me as I smirk.

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