Chapter Two

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(Again, OG STORY IS NOT MINE! See first Chapter for OG author and idea! This is just a fanbased version of it!) 

Later that night, Brooke went downstairs wearing her usual outfit with a bit of makeup on from her NYX collection from New York, and giving her hair a bit of bounce. She turned to see her father with her Western twin siblings, Daisy and Harry, watching a Cowboy movie. 

"Dad, guys! I'm leaving!" Brooke waved bye, as she grabbed her purse. Alfred shuffled under the blanket with his twins, giving his blond daughter a small smile. 

"Okay sweetheart, have fun!" He cheered, Daisy's face having an unreadable expression for her father, but Harry just giving his sister a sweet smile, waving bye with her. After Brooke left, Alfred threw off the blanket, revealing himself wearing a black suit. He got up, cocking his shotgun. Before he turned to follow Brooke out, he turned to his Western States, giving them a sweet smile, almost a contrast to him who was now holding a shotgun.

"Take care of the others, Daisy and Harry. Make sure Katani and Liam goes to bed at 9 pm and no junk food for dinner........without me," He said, making the kids nod. He kissed their heads, wishing them a good time before going inside his car, following the Northern States.


"Hey Peter!" Brooke waved, seeing her date and classmate standing at the park entrance. Peter gave the blond a toothy grin, waving back to her. He held her hand, kissing it gently. 

"Hello Brooke! You look super pretty today. Shall we get going?" He asked. Brooke blushed at his gentleman attitude, giving him a small nod as they began to walk inside the park. Well, I guess when you are raised by Arthur, that is what happens! 

Meanwhile, Alfred was following his daughter behind the bushes in the park, cocking his brow. 

"Huh? Isn't that Arthur's little dude?" He asked himself quietly, but still got a response in a familiar British accent. 

"He is! What the bloody hell are you doing here, you git?!" A certain blond Englishman whacked Alfred's neck making him cry out quietly in pain, not disturbing his daughter's date. He grumbles, rubbing his nape, turning to his older brother. 

"Hey, I'm just protecting her and--" Suddenly, Alfred's expression turned surprised, cocking a brow at Arthur. 

"Wait...what are YOU doing here?" He asked him, smirking lightly, crossing his arms. The blond gentlemen just blushed, scratching his cheek before looking down. He stuttered, wincing off into the distance, as if he was trying to find a good excuse. 

" see....I....--" 

"AHA!" Alfred whispered-screamed at him, as if he won the argument. England furrowed his brows, giving him a disgusted look. 

"You didn't even let me finish!" He snapped, sighing. "Okay, fine, I'm spying on Peter's date too. You're not any better, following Brooke here!" He glared at him, making Alfred's cocky grin return to his disappointed face. Not disappointed in Brooke or Arthur, but himself. He knew he was wrong to come here and that he messed up, even if Brooke didn't know. 

"Fine, yeah, it's wrong! I just want to make sure that Brooke is in good hands. I'm her father after all, it's my job to worry! Remember when France and his friends follow his daughter on her first date?!" He asked Arthur, cocking a brow, challengingly. England sighed, blushing again, remembering how he also spied on Alfred's first date with (Y/N). 

"Speaking of, how is (Y/N)?" He asked, smiling lightly, trying to change the subject. Alfred had a bright smile, blushing over his lovely wife. 

"She's great! She's on a business trip back at (C/N), but she'll be back shortly. And--Hey! Don't change the subject!" He scolded him, making England roll his eyes. The Brit thought for a second before turning back to his brother, nodding. 

"Fine, fine. We're BOTH wrong. Just....let's just spy on their date and see if BROOKE breaks Peter's heart," He glared at America, following them behind the bushes. 

"HEY! Peter will be the one breaking hearts! And even before he gets the chance, I'll be breaking his bones!" Alfred grumbled, following him. 


It's been about an hour into Sealand and Northern America's date. So far, Peter has been a total gentleman and treated Brooke like a princess. Hm, I guess it was meant to be after all, Brooke thought to herself, as she licked her rocky road ice cream, cuddling with Peter on the park bench. Meanwhile, Peter was a blushing mess, knowing that it was the first time a girl liked him. He turned to Brooke, smiling lightly, about to make huge progress with his date. 

"Hey Brooke, you have some ice cream over....." He smirked, kissing the corner of her lip "THERE!" He giggled, making Brooke chuckle. 

"Awwww," They both said in unison, making Alfred and Arthur gag in the background. 

"Ewwwww," They both said in unison, adjusting the position behind the bushes. However, Alfred was a bit noisy, making his shotgun slip outta his pocket, falling on the ground with a soft "THUD" not too loud, but loud enough for Peter and Brooke to hear it. Alfred tried to grab it, but it feel on the other side of the bush, so he couldn't reach for it without having his hand stick outta the bush. England saw the gun and shoot Alfred a glare, smacking him again, this time, on the head. 

"You were seriously gonna use a gun on him?!" Arthur scolded him, imagining himself strangling him. America just pouted, shooting Arthur a glare. 

"Oh really? You've been pretty secretive of your breast pocket," America glared at him, tackling him to the ground. The two of them rolled around, Alfred unbuttoning Arthur's olive green jacket, only to revealing something small but hard in the breast pocket. America took it out, revealing a small box of.......

"GIVE IT BACK, YOU WANKER!" Britain yelled at him, but America opened it, horrified to see the burned scones in the box. 

"Dude, not cool! You were gonna torture Brooke with your food?!" He shot a final glare before the poured the box of coal on his head, fighting with him again. The fight was about two minutes long until.....


The two blondes stop fighting, seeing their children standing above them. Brooke was holding Alfred's gun, while Sealand was confused and shocked, not to mention, angry at his father for following them. 

"Brooke......." America let go of the Englishman, smiling awkwardly at her. "'s your date going?" He asked, trying to make small talk, failing. He just earned himself a gun to the face, Brooke throwing it at him. She burst into tears, highly mad at her father, and that fact that her Uncle Arthur was there too. She still wasn't over the whole....13 colonies phase with her sister, Maybelle and hated their Uncle with a burning passion. 

"I can't believe you guys! You and Uncle Eyebrow bastard came to spy on our date?! Why couldn't you just wait for me at home?! I'm never talking to you guys again, thank you for embarrassing me!" She cried, as she took Peter's hand, going away. She knew exactly where she was going, but didn't bother to tell them. 

"Well she doesn't even talk to me she and Maybelle still mad about those tariffs I put on their tea sets?" He sighed, but looked down. "We.......screwed up, didn't we?" He asked America, who just nodded, sighing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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