Chapter One

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(A/N: Idea was Originally from @galaxy_senpai cause I LOVED her BTT story on her page, and I got inspired to write an America version of it) 

"Dadddd~" Brooke and Maybelle went to the living room where their father, America was playing video games with his Alien friend, Tony. He didn't talk much, but he was hitting on Brooke which just earned him a punch in the face. Maybelle always offers him oranges, her favorite food, but he never accepts. Tony waved at both girls before going back to the game, but America smiled, pausing his screen, going to his American sweethearts

"Sup dudettes? How are my favorite tweens doing?" He asked with a smile, pouring himself a diet coke in a glass. Brooke sat down near the couch with her sister, quickly glancing at the screen, showing Mario Kart. She looked a bit nervous, but looked up at her father's face, smiling the same toothy grin he was. 

"Oh nothing...I just wanted to chat real quick. I have to go somewhere but....Umm....I think you should know..." She trailed off, making Alfred cock his brow. He pushed up his glasses closer to the bridge of his nose before handing Maybelle and Brooke both diet cokes of their own. 

"What is it, sweetheart?" He asked the blond, sitting back down, but not continuing the game. She bit her lip before looking down, blushing. This made Alfred furrow his brows more, but more in confusion and sadness. He never wanted to see his daughters or sons down, and seeing Brooke in difficult state made his heart break. 

"Oh, Brooke, calm down. You can tell me anything, you know," Alfred gave her a small smile, making her look up at him. He gently lifted her chin with his gloved hands and shot her a never ending smile. He turned to Maybelle, his eyes asking her for help.

"Don't worry, daddy. Nothing happened. It's just...." Maybelle giggled, turning to her sister. Brooke shot the Southern Belle a glare before Maybelle burst out laughing. 

"BROOKE HAS A DATE!!!" She laughed, earning herself a tackle to the ground. Brooke pinned Maybelle to the floor, wrestling with her sister. Luck was on her side since Pennsylvania AND New Jersey was a top wrestling state. Alfred just widen his eyes and pulled them apart. 

"Girls, girls, stop!" He scolded them, picking Brooke and Maybelle up, sitting them back down. He turned back to Brooke, a surprised and "dad face" on, like the kind he gives when a girl just said she had a date....well....she kinda did. 

"Brooke, did you just say you have a date?" He asked his daughter. Brooke blushed and nodded, timidly, which was weird for Brooke. But if the city girl had a weakness, it was her father when he was in "serious dad mode". 

"Yeah, but dad--" Before she could even finish, Alfred started to rant about how the boy would break her heart and that he would break her if he did. Maybelle giggled at her father's overprotectiveness, but Brooke rolled her eyes, clapping her hands very loudly, silencing the room. Since Pennsylvania was a fast growing state, she also had super strength like her father, who was a fast growing country himself. 

Anyways, the room went silent as Brooke's father and sister looked at her, the blond having a determined look on her face to still save her date with her future boyfriend. 

"Dad, please stop ranting. This boy is a really nice guy and it's been the first time I was asked out. Plus, I've been doing good at World Academy, don't you think I deserve to have fun a little?" She asked, using her bluish-green puppy dog eyes that he couldn't resist. Alfred sighed, smiling lightly at his daughter. 

"Of course, honey,'s a boy!" He used his hands for dramatic effect, trying to explain the small problem here. Maybelle rolled her eyes, this time, sticking up for her sister

"Dad, of course it's a boy. There are barely any girls at World Academy. Be glad someone actually asked Brooke out without being dared too," She smirked, her face having a cocky look that only belonged to her sister or Harrison. Brooke just punched her arm, but using her strength, pushed Maybelle off the sofa. 

"Brooke!" America scolded his Northern States, helping the South up. He sighed, thinking for a moment before smiling again, his finger pointed as if he was making a good point

"Alright, you can go on this date. But text me when you get there and be back before dinner, okay?" He said, making sure Brooke understood. She nodded, giving her father a grin before swinging her arms around him, hugging him tightly. 

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, BEST DAD IN THE WORLD!" She cheered as she went upstairs to her room in a lovey dovey state. Alfred kept his smile until Brooke was in her room. Maybelle cocked her brow, turning to her father. 

"You're.....gonna spy on her. Aren't you?" She asked, making her father nod.

"YEP!" He cheered as he got up from the couch, getting out his shotgun for.....the worst case scenario

Hetalia Spinoff: The American StatesWhere stories live. Discover now