|fever dream • jj|

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first imagine for jj!!

also thank you sooo much for all the reads. none of my books have gotten so far in just two days! thanks <3


A voice called out, slightly urging for me to respond. I didn't though, too lost in the feeling of the cool water that surrounded me.


I opened my eyes this time, seeing the bright blue sky and puffy white clouds that hung above me.

"Can you please answer. I know you hear me!"

I sighed, pushing my arms into the water as a soft wave lifted me up and over to face the beach shore.

JJ was standing in the sand, his hand was up as he shaded his eyes from the sun.

"Ah, so now you decide to pay attention to me!" He grinned.

I rolled my eyes mockingly.

"I always pay attention to you, dumbass!"

His face dropped at my words. I could tell he was faking his hurt all the way from out here.

I stood cautiously in the water, waiting for JJ to make his next move. He was quite a character at times, his senselessness getting the best of him.

"Your really gonna regret saying that to me!"

He quickly took off his shirt and threw it off onto the ground. JJ sent me a dashing smirk before running into the water and finally diving in.

I watched him with curious eyes. He seemed so frantic. While I, on the other hand, was just floating softly in the water. The waves bobbing me up and down.

I saw his swimming frame come closer to me in the muggy water. I giggled softly, knowing he would try to pull me down.

Pushing away to the side, JJ's head popped out, a childish pout on his face.

"Seriously? I was going to hug you!" He complained, running a hand through his wet hair moodily.

"No you weren't. You were gonna try to drown me, JJ." I laughed, splashing some water onto his face.

"Fine. You caught me. I was just going to see how long you could hold your breath for." He spoke condescendingly.

He was inching closer to me, a playful look in his eyes. I raised an eyebrow at him. Did he forget I knew almost everything about him?

"Stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Your going to throw me over your shoulder, and then try to drown me." I said.

"Man, what the hell are you talking about?"

"I know you were, you liar!" I laughed loudly.

JJ threw a smile at my direction, dazing me for only a moment. But that gave him enough time to grab hold of my waist and pull me close to him.

My eyes immediately widened. He hadn't done this before.

"JJ?" I questioned, a small tone of embarrassment in my voice.

We had never been this close to each other before. Not even alone together.

"What?" He whispered. His gaze traveling down to my lips, and then back up to meet my eyes.

"I- uh."

Great, now I couldn't even speak properly.

"I'm not going to drown you, (Y/n). I wanna do... something else."

With that, JJ pulled me impossibly closer to him. His soft lips met mine, making time feel as if it were an illusion.

It was short and sweet, but felt like minutes of him on my lips. I didn't want this moment to be cut short, but when a wave almost knocked us over, we finally parted.

"That was my first kiss." I breathed out.

"I know." He replied slowly.

"And it was perfect." I smiled.

"God, I hope so."

that's it! i hope you enjoyed :)

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