|space song• jj|

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this is such an adorable song.


"JJ, I'm nervous." I muttered, running a soft hand down my face.

He stared at me from my bed, his gaze warm. JJ shook his head at my words.

"There's no reason to be. You look beautiful. Lovely, even." He spoke quietly. His eyes were bright as he looked at me, and I couldn't help the blush that came in response to it.

"Okay. But, it just sucks that you can't be there." I whispered, sitting next to him. "I hate doing things like this without you."

JJ nodded understandingly. He knew that this Kook party was not the kind of scene you would usually find me in, but I had to oblige by my parents wishes.

"Who knows." He smirked, leaning in and placing a soft kiss onto my cheek. "You just might have to save me a dance."

With that, he got up and opened the window of my bedroom. He waved at me, blowing a kiss in my direction, and hopped out.

I sighed to myself. This was not going to be my night. I missed JJ already.

"(Y/n)?" My father knocked, interrupting me from my sulking. "You almost ready? We're leaving now."

"Yeah, I'm done!"


"Alright." My mother smiled in the front seat, her reflection in the car mirror peering at me. "Goodness, you look gorgeous. How did I make you?"

My eyes went wide, my mouth opening in a mocking expression of shock.

"Stop it, mom." I cringed, smoothing my hair down.

"I don't think she was taking to you." My younger sister grumbled from beside me. I glared at her for ruining my moment.

"Be nice." My mom muttered, applying the last of her lipstick.

The car ride was short from my house to the party. We hurriedly pulled into the beach house, my father grumbling incoherently.
Considering, we were only a few minutes late.

My stomach churned nervously. I hated these kind of gatherings. No matter who it was, I got so awkward.

After we parked, the four of us got out of the car. The soft breeze of the nearby ocean earned another sigh from me. Why couldn't I be there instead?

"C'mon girls." Dad said, leading us into the building.

Immediately, I was welcomed with the bustle of classical music and small talk. I could tell it would be horrifically boring just by the sight.


I turned to the voice.

"Oh God!" Kiara exclaimed, whom I was relieved to see. "Your here!"

outerbanks imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora