31. C R U S H

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I was in grade 11 back then when I started making a closure with my crush which is Gio. He was known for being genius in our school and he really love science to the point that some of our topic whenever we chat are all about science, like who are the scientist, theories, table of elements, biology and etc. Weird right? Gosh! That time, whenever he ask me about science I really don't know what to reply because I do really hate science.

One time he chat me saying"iodine lanthanum vanadium yttrium oxygen uranium" 
I don't have any idea for what he said and I'm so tired of understanding him that's why I block him.

And now, 2 years past and I find out what he means about. It was I LOVE YOU. Thats why I quickly unblocked him and feel sorry for what I did back then. After that he replied, saying that its okay that's why I feel so glad as I ask him if he still loves me.

Few minutes he reply, saying "Deoxyribonucleic acid"
My heart broke into pieces as I decided to block him again. Huhuhuhu DNA niya ako mahal.

Words from a broken HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon