'If you find this guy anywhere then please contact his owner, Ph no...XXXXX"

Tharn laughs and dailed the number,

"Hello?" Technic picks the call when he saw an unknown number

"Hello, are you related to Techno?" Tharn asked

"Well depends on the situation, if he has borrowed money from you then nope, I'm sorry but you called wrong number" Tharn chuckles on hearing Technic and spokes.

"He's drunk, may I know your house address so I can drop him"

"Oh, sure..."

Tharn drives the car to Techno's place amused because of Technic, soon they reached Techno's Home.

Tharn saw a boy standing outside the home and came near the car when Tharn came out of the car.

"You have my bro?" Technic asked looking at his left and right.

"Hey kid, I'm here to drop your brother not to sell drug" Tharn said in amusement.

"I know, just checking if you brought your gang with you" Tharn ignores him and helps Techno to get out of the car.

"Thank you for driving him home and sorry for the trouble" Technic carried Techno inside the home.

InSide the House....

Kengkla was doing his homework when Technic enters inside with drunken Techno.

"Ow, I thought you went to get pizza?" Kla asked in confusion as he walks next toTechnic.

Technic to struggling to support Techno as the older as clinging on him, he threw Techno at Kla and spoke.

"Here's the pizza! Go eat"

"Wow! Carefully! P'No would have gotten hurt" Kla scolds Technic who went to lay on the sofa.

"I have done my part as brother, now you do your part! Carry your boyfriend to his room" Technic orders Kla, Kla rolls his eyes at Technic being dramatic.

He carried Techno bridal style to his room, since a Techno becomes totally clingy once he was drunk, Kla was having hard time carrying him.

Techno was sucking his shoulder which was making Kla arouse. Somehow Kla was successful in dumping Techno on his bed.

"Klaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Techno screams and clings on Kengkla.

"P'No, sleep" Kla gently tries to make older sleep.

"No! Let's kiss" Techno giggles as he leans closer to Kla who was panicking.

"P'No...". Suddenly Techno presses his lips on Kla's

Kla's eyes widens as he stares Techno who saw was red due to drinking, he looked so intoxicated that Kengkla was loosing himself into kiss.

Before anything else could have happened Technic enters the room, banging the door loudly.

Kla pushes away Techno who was pouty while turns to look at Technic who was glaring him.

"Dude, I told be to put him in bed not to join him!" Technic scolds Kla who is was blushing.

"Don't forget you both aren't real couple" Technic reminds Kengkla who glared him in anger.

"Yes, I know" Kengkla replies.

"Good, come and do your part of homework" Technic orders Kla before leaving.

Kengkla turns to face Techno but found him asleep, he sighs and adjust Techno was he could be comfortable while sleeping.

Kla stares Techno's face for while before he went back to join Technic in living room.


Tharn watches Type was spread on his bed, he sighs as he took out the shoes and went to bath.

When Tharn returns back he found Type in sitting position which was kid of scary as he was staring him without blinking.

"T..Type?" Tharn walks near Type feeling little scared.

"P'Tharn......." Type spoke in creepy voice.


"Why you don't like me?" Type asked in serious voice.

"I do like y..." Tharn spoke but Type stops him.

"Lair!! You don't like me" Suddenly Type started crying making Tharn startled, he rush to hug boy but Type hits him him pillow instead.

"If you don't like me then who do you like?" Type stops cry and asked in angry voice,

"I don't like ..."

"Shut up! Did I tell you to talk?" Type shouted making Tharn flinch.

"Now.... whom it might be? Tar? Lhong? Tum?" Type spoke staring Tharn who kept silence.

"Why aren't you speaking? Do you need special invitation?" Type shouted again.

"No khrap! I don't like anyone!" Tharn replies.

"Hm... you will be punished for not like me, come here"

Tharn walks towards Type who smiling like a mad man now.

Type stands up and wraps his arm around Tharn's shoulder and leans on lean, Suddenly Tharn hisses in pains because Type has bitten his neck while grinning.

"This is your punishment! Now go sleep on ground tonight" Type pulls away and orders Tharn.

Next Morning....

Next Morning Type woke up with his head throbbing, he gets out of bed and walks to get water bottle.

Type felt like stepping on something but he ignores it, his head was paining so badly that he even ignore the shout in pain.

After getting the bottle and again walks towards his bed, when Type heard a scream he looks and found Tharn laying down.

"Typeee" Tharn scream.


"You're standing on my hand" Tharn cried in pain.

"Ohh! I'm sorry Phee" Type step away from Tharn


"How did I came back home?" Type looks at Tharn for answer.

"Don't ask"

"Phee... why were you sleeping down?" Type asked in curiosity

"Don't ask" Tharn orders as he could still feel his hand paining.

"Does it still hurt?" Type asked again

"What do you think?" Tharn should his hand which has turned red.

"Aww! Come on, I will feed you" Type grins as he sat next to Tharn with food plate.

"It's okay"

"Don't be shy! One lover can only help another lover!" Type grins as he start feeding Tharn


Thank you for reading! Hope you liked it!

Please stay healthy and safe!!

Angel of SeductionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz