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[This is supposed to go before the night]

[When Tella made Jacks heart beat]

He effortlessly evaded her again. His cruel face appeared bored. But Tella swore she felt the blood rushing through his veins, heating the hands encircling her wrists. He might of looked indifferent, but his heart was beating faster then hers. Tella stopped mid-kick. His heart was beating. She stumbled back and he let her go.

"You have a heartbeat."

"No. My heart hasn't beat in a very long time. You're the one who's delusional now." His voice was colder then she'd ever heard it, yet the chill it brought did not erase the searing memory of his hot hands around her wrists.

"I might be a lot of things, but I know what I felt. I made your heart beat. I'm your one true love. Your kiss can't kill me."

"You shouldn't believe every story you hear. Do I look like I'm involve with you?"


The Prince of HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now