The Fated Ball

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"Now this is an interesting surprise." Genuine amusement lit a pair of silver-blue eyes, as dazzling as crashing waves., shadowed by untamed hair so gold it could've been turned into coins.

"It's you." Tella gasped.

 The boy from the sky carriage-the same indolent young noble man who'd threatened to toss her out from a coach and dropped a have eaten apple on her slippers-flashed a delinquent smile. "You can call me Jacks." he kissed her hand. "I didn't think you would be brave enough to wear the dress."

"I hate to see a gown go to waist."

Jack's took her hand and pulled he away to dance. "I'm surprised you haven't tried to run."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because." he whispered in her hair. "I don't think I made a very good impression of myself on our first encounter, and my now I'm guessing you've heard the rumours that I'm a ruthless madman willing to do anything to get the crown."

"You're saying they're not true?"

"If they were true you would already be dead."

Tella  didn't know what would happen when the heir found her but this definitely not this. He wasn't supposed to be the boy from the sky carriage. And she wasn't supposed to be falling for him.

"If I'm a murderer," he murmured. "do you really think I would let you live after hearing you'd claimed to be by fiancée to get into the palace?"

"If all of this is your way of saying you don't plan any retribution for a little a little fib, then we should part ways. I'm actually here to meet a friend."

Tella felt Jacks's cold mouth frown against her hair. "I'm disappointed, Donatella. I thought I was your friend.  But not only were you late, now your trying to escape me." his sharp tone made Tella's gut twist. "Is it because you don't have my payment?"

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