Randomness 28

146 4 212

Hope: you know Eris is mine =^=

Zack: I know that, idiot. 

Louis: we only said that we love him as a friend, cuz he took care of us.

Issac: *at the bathroom, taking a bath* I'm done!

Zack: alright, im coming *gets up and head to the bathroom, picking Issac up and goes to his bedroom, placing him on bed*

Issac: thank you again, Zack..

Zack: hey it's okay, I'm always here. *softly smiles*



Loke: yush!

everyone pls join us!

Jake: aight *sits in a circle with everyone*

Hehe òwó *rolls the bottle* truth or dare?

Leo: uh.. truth.

Me: do you wanna have a baby from Xin? Like a real baby not adopted ouo

Leo: yes, someday. *smiles*

Me: awwww okok. Next! *rolls the bottle*

Kaito: truth =~=

Me: do you hate that your lover can't walk?

Kaito: uh... i don't mind it as long we're both happy idiot, i always take care of him that's what mostly matters.

Me: aight.. next!

Loke: òwó dare!

Me: go make another baby *smirk*

Loke: qnq NO!

Me: pffft I'm joking, give us a show with your boyfriend. *wiggle eyebrows*

Loke: nuuuu that's embarrassing.

Me: *chuckles* it's not. Next!

Zack: =-= whyme... *mumbles* truth

Me: ooooh brave enough. do you have a crush on someone?

Zack: no.

Me: why you lyinnnnnn

Zack: I'm not, idiot..

Me: I'll let it pass this time owo. *rolls the bottle*

Richie: oh me? Truth!

Me: do you think both Rego and Reo are handsome?

Richard: ....

Richie: they're so damn hawt and handsome and caring and that's hurts..

Me: pffft.. *chuckles*

Laaaast one *roll the bottle*

Alex: *blinks* uh... t-truth..?

Me: do you love that god? :>

Alex: hes... really caring.. and understanding.. anyone would l-love him.. *sighs*


Extra: the detectives:

Hope: I'm going to lose my mind..

Louis: i give up.. ;-;

Zack: *bang his head on the table*

Noah: wtf guys... chill- not just because you haven't solved the case yet you go insane..

Issac *former detective* : it's only been three days and you guys gone crazy

Louis: help us or our boss will go mad ;-;

Issac: that old man still a trash. =~=

Hope: he's really crazy..

Dante: *drink black coffee*

Louis: help us! QnQ

Dante: I'm not a detective.. also- I work for another corporation.

Zack: dammit.. we're so fucked up then




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