Sweet Oz!

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Galinda's POV

"Who's there?!" I screech into the darkness. My voice echoes off the walls, indicating that the room is quite large.

And apparently, large enough to fit another person in here. Who knows, there could be several people in here!

I shiver at the thought of being locked up with a handful of strangers, and I ask again, "Who's there?"

There's no response.

Frustration grows over my fear. "Now, don't back down! You've made yourself known, might as well continue, you- you coward!"

The voice chuckles. It's a sad tone, as if they've given up on everything. "Coward? Ha. Might as well be. But no, no. That's another tale I'm not willing to tell."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"You don't know that! Just tell me!"

"Alright," they sigh. "Somewhere, in a separate world, you're not.. You."

Not me?

"You're not you, I'm not me, Elphaba's not here, and the world has fallen under the spell of a farm girl."

"..okay. You were right. I don't understand a word you're saying. Don't bother telling."


"Hmm. You're a strange man, aren't you? ...That is, if you are a man?"

"I'd consider myself a boy. After all, men do great things. Me? I got locked up in this room."

"Well, so did I!"

"Yes, but you weren't tricked. Morrible told me I held promise. Told me I was soon to be a great leader. Turns out it was part of her damn plan."

"Oh... I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize for something that isn't your fault, Galinda."

I freeze up. "How in Oz do you know my name?"

"Oh, right. I forgot to tell you."


"It's me."

"Who's 'me'?"

"Fiyero." He says casually.


"She.. She cloned me. Whoever's out there now isn't me. Well.. They are, but.. More.. hypnotized. If that makes any sense."

"So the entire time, you.."

"No, not the entire time. Just up until after I gave you that lov.. Sweet Oz! The love letter!"


"The love letter, it- it has the solution on it! It has the curse-breaking spell!"

"No, it doesn't. Elphaba checked, it only-"

"No, no, only you can see it."

"Me? But wasn't it for Elphaba?"

"That was scripted! It was all scripted. Morrible told me to give a blank love letter to Elphaba to start her plot-"

"What plot?"

"I'll get to that later. But she wanted it to get to Elphaba, and she didn't care how. By then, I had noticed some suspicious behavior of Morrible, so I cast a spell on the letter. Only you can see the words on it."

"And the words.. It's a spell? To break the curse that your.. Your clone and Elphaba are under?"


"Well- damn it, if only I- what are we going to do?"

He sighs. "We could... I don't.. I don't know."

My breath quickened. "B-but Elphaba's in danger!"

"Oh Oz, she is," he realizes.

"Yes! What are we going to do?!"

"I suppose," he sighs, "the only thing we can do.. Is hope that she'll be alright."


A/N: sorry it's a bit short. the next two weeks are going to be a little hectic for me, so you may not get updates??? idk. we'll see.

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