My Power?

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Elphaba's POV

To die?

To die?

I can't die; I'm far too young, and I'd be leaving Galinda behind!

Galinda! I don't want to leave her; I love her. It's too much to lose. She's too much to lose.

"And I don't want to have to think about that at all," I whisper to myself.

"What?" Fiyero inquires, stepping closer to me.

I keep my eyes trained to the dusty, brick floor. "Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Hm. I expected more of a... horrific response from you, Miss Elphaba."

"Why, what am I to say? What am I to do? I have no power over you, Madame, so there's no use of a struggle." I say, although I'd like to scream and pull out someone's hair.

Preferably Fiyero's.

The damn boy was still enjoyable to look at, even if he's evil. So I'd like to rid of that before I die.

"That's very true. You're smart, Miss Elphaba."

"I know."

"Don't get condescending. It lessens the chance of me sparing you."

Sparing me? She considered it? I have a chance?

"I do apologize, Madame. I.. I'm in a bit of a terrifying situation. I panicked."

"Ah, so you are terrified! I hoped so."

You wicked being, of course I'm terrified! You've just sentenced me to death! "Yes. Well."

What did she expect? That'd I'd be happy? That I would rejoice, because the life I have now is so terrible and it's no longerworth fighting for?

"I.. I must ask, though, Madame.. Why do you plan to kill me?"

"Your power, of course."

"My power?" What, is she threatened by it?

"Yes. It's getting out of hand, and it's causing a commotion here at Shiz."


"There is another way, if I hadn't mentioned. There's a chance you can live. But I'm sure you wouldn't be willing to-"

"No! No, Madame, I'm very willing."

She cackles. "Are you? You don't even know what you'd have to do."

"But I would live. And that's all that matters." Because living means staying with Galinda.

"Well, then. Here are your options: you could die. Or you could join us. And live."


"Yes. You see, we've been planning to finally put Oz in its place. Sir Tiggular, The Wizard, and I. We plan to overtake everything. To overpower the smaller government officials and rule ourselves."

"And you want me.. To join you?"

"Yes. Your power is great and we could use it well. Of course, we four must remain anonymous. We mustn't exist."

"How do you plan on making our 'non existence' possible?"

"By faking our deaths."

Faking our deaths? "So only.. We'd be the only ones to know that we're still alive?"

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