Damn Fiyero!

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A/N: hi hi hii! I'm on my way to Mexico rn, but we stopped overnight in Arizona. Hooray for wifi! :D

Galinda's POV

I was heartbroken. No, scratch that, I am heartbroken. Ever since I figured out that my heart belongs to Elphaba (or at least, I think it does) everything's been great.

But then damn Fiyero had to kiss her, and she got all.. excited, and then read the letter..

"I don't have the slightest bit of a chance anymore!" I yell into my pillow, which I think is about to be stained with tears.

At least my mattress is dry now. That way I don't have to sleep next to Elphaba. Who isn't even here, no, she's out with Fiyero.

I don't want to sleep in her bed tonight. I don't have to, either. Besides, I'd probably end up doing something stupid, like tell her that I might have feelings for her.

No, I'd rather avoid that. I'd rather be alone. To escape the pain and heartbreak.

Even though she'd only be across the room. It takes three steps to reach her.

Hm. Her. The one who stole my heart, but her belongs to another.

I sigh. It'll never happen. I just know it. I should just give up now. After all, her and Fiyero have probably made a pact to be together forever.

Hopefully this is just a phase.

Hopefully I move on. If not, I guess I'll become that girl who hangs on forever, even if the rope I'm holding on to doesn't get me anywhere.

Except to her, but it's not like she'll notice. She'd be too busy with Fiyero.

The one she loves.

That could be me.

But it isn't.

Don't wish, don't start. Wishing only wounds the heart..

Elphaba's POV

"You read it, I assume?"

"And why would you assume that?"

"You're smiling like an idiot. Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, what if I'm smiling like an idiot for another reason?"

"And what would that be?"

"Oh, I don't know.. Maybe because I.. Had a good lunch."

He scoffs. "You'd smile that much over a.. What did you have? ..Ah, a sandwich. So you'd smile that much over a sandwich?"

"It was a good sandwich." I shrug.

"But it was all just carrots and lettuce, and.. whatever else vegetarians eat."

"That's what made it good!" I laugh. He nudges me in the arm.

"Nobody smiles over a sandwich, Elphaba. What's the real reason?"

I feel my smile widen as I answer him. "I read your letter."

"Of course you did." Then adds, "Pfft. A sandwich. How ridiculous."

"I mean, it was good."

He laughs, taking my hand and leading me into an empty classroom. "So, remind me why we're on campus again?"

"Well, nobody's here, and I thought you'd like to take advantage."

"How? By putting pins in the chairs and doodling on the chalkboards?"

"Possibly... Why aren't you out of town, like everyone else?"

"Not everyone else. There's you, Galinda, Boq.. Maybe not Boq, actually.. But a few book worms, and-"

"Yes, yes, they're here, but why are you?"

"I heard you were going to stay, so.. I did too."

"You stayed for me?" I freeze because of the fact that he stayed behind.. For me. I mean... Nobody really likes my company, otherwise.

Galinda might, but I can tell that she's been trying not to talk to me ever since I told her about the kiss yesterday.

Damn. I shouldn't have told her. I know jealousy when I see it, (mainly because that's what I've always been- jealous) and Galinda had a hint of it in her eyes. She was nice about it, though. Tried not to show it.

She still loves Fiyero, I bet.

But who am I to ruin it for her? To take him as my own, to let him and I become something special. I hope she doesn't feel like she's lost to me. Not that it's a contest. I mean, she's popular, lovely, beautiful...

And she's not green.

"Yes, I stayed for you. Don't seem so surprised." He says, and my train of thought crashes.

"I know, but I can't help it. I mean.. No matter how shallow and self-absorbed you tend to be..."

"Excuse me, there's no pretense here. I happen to be genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow."

"No, you're not. Not according to what I've seen from you in the past few days."

"Well.. Yeah, but it's.. Different with you."

I notice he's becoming nervous.

Hm, let's see how far I can push him. Just for my amusement.

"Different? How so?"

"You're.. Y'know, special."

"Special how?"

"Y-you just are."

"Care to explain?"

"Elphaba!" He cries out, and I burst into laughter. "You've read the letter. You don't need an explanation."

"Oh, I know. It's just fun to see you squirm."

"You're evil," He teases, putting his arm around my waist. My heart races. I'm not really used to people just.. Casually wrapping their arms around me.

He must feel me tense up.

"What? What is it?"

"Nothing, I.. This is all just new to me. That's all." I smile at him.


"This." I gesture between us.

"Ah," he grins and kisses me softly. "This."

We both laugh, and my heart warms. I haven't felt this way for a while.

No. Hold on.

I haven't felt this way ever since.. Last night.

Around the same time that I slept.

All in all, I've only felt like this with one other person.

The pink-loving, blonde-haired girl.



A/N: wow this sounds a lot like something you'd hear in a fiyeraba fic. BUT FEAR NOT! As you've noticed, Elphaba still thinks of Galinda. Galinda, on the other hand, is like.. Falling apart. Poor bby.

*laura prepon voice* drama~!

Ssooo did you guys see those two lines from the musical? No, not the song lyrics. The other ones.

Teehee :3 glad I could update!

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