You're Already My First Love (Won't You Be My Last ?)

Start from the beginning

"Will I see you again, up there?" She asked.

"I'm afraid not, my darling, where you're going is the one place I cannot follow, but, I know you'll be happy there".

She smiled sadly at that, before touching his cheek. "Then I'm glad you're here now, I couldn't bear dying without seeing the man I love one last time ".

Tears streamed down the devil's face for the second time in his life, as gently kissed the piece of his heart that lived outside of him.

When the last breath left her body, he cried even harder. As soon as Azrael took Eve's soul away, Lucifer buried her amongst the flowers she'd cared for.

He returned to Hell, vowing to never love again.


When Lucifer made Earth his permanent home, he went through hundreds of temporary lovers. He was never picky, but he did try to avoid anyone with Chestnut hair and soft, doe eyes. He'd long shut off any semblance of feelings.

At least, until he met the detective.

Chloe was something of a fascination. She was sassy, smart, immune to his charms, and tough. Her personality reminded him a lot of his Eve, and for a brief moment, he thought he might finally be able to let go and love someone again.

He was wrong.

After Chloe saw his true face, she ran away for a month. When she finally came back, she pretended things were fine, but then everything came out about the priest and her trying to send him back to Hell and he was done....done with her and everyone else for that matter.

Deep down, he knew she would never fully accept him, not like his Eve had. He was just so desperately lonely, that he was willing to ignore all the signs.


A week after Chloe's betrayal, Lucifer's world flipped once more. He'd dragged himself down to the club, intent on replenishing his alcohol supply, when he felt her presence. At first, he thought his drug-addled mind was playing tricks on him, but when he looked out onto the dance floor, he saw her.

Liquor abandoned, he fought his way through the crowd until he could to the woman dancing amongst them. When she turned to face him, his heart leapt out of his chest.....

He'd recognize her anywhere.


"Hey Luce, long time, no see".


The ride back up to the penthouse was maddening. They both went in and sat on the couch, where Lucifer immediately grabbed Eve into a tight embrace.

"How are you here? Alive?" He pulled back to look at her, " I never thought I'd see you again".

"I was miserable in Heaven, Luce, there's no paradise for me if you're not there, so I left".

"But how? Lucifer asked, dumbfounded," It's not like you can just walk out of the place".

"Ah, I had help with that. You see, over the centuries I made friends with one of your sisters, Remiel. She always noticed how I'd spend time away from Adam, and well...everyone really".

"When Amenadiel came back with that woman my son killed," Eve looked down in shame at the thought," he told Remi about you being on Earth for good. So, she went to God, and told him she would voluntarily rule Hell for you if he sent me back ".

"He probably thinks it'll be funny to watch you die on me, again," he huffed. There's no way Lucifer could ever believe that his father would do something good for him.

Eve gave him a sly grin, " Remi thought of that, too, that's why I have this".

She turned her arm over to show a circular mark, just like the one her son had. His eyes widened as he looked at the symbol, then at her.

"See Luce? I don't have to leave. I can stay with you forever.....if you want me, that is".

He grabbed her face and pulled her into a deep kiss. "Of course I bloody want you! You were my first love....and now you'll be my last".

After that, no more words were said. Lucifer picked Eve up bridal-style, and carried her to the bedroom. When she was thoroughly exhausted from their love making, he wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Eve".


Life vastly improved for the devil after that. He introduced Eve to everyone at the precinct, and they all loved her.

Everyone except Chloe.

Lucifer had been attempting to repair his strained partnership with the detective, despite her betrayal. But it was clear that, she not only wanted things with him he could not give her, but that she would never accept the parts of him that did not fit her narrative.

The final straw came, when she had the nerve to say Eve wasn't a good influence on him, and told him he had to choose between the two women.

He gave an incredulous laugh before staring her down. "If the Almighty himself couldn't force me into a choice, what makes you think a backstabber with control issues is going to do any better? Don't presume you have any say in my life, when you've long since removed yourself as a priority. Now if you'll excuse me, the love of my life is waiting for me".


When he entered the penthouse, Eve was sitting on the sofa with a nervous look.

"Is something wrong, my love?".

"No," she said as she stood up, "but I have something to tell you ".

She handed him a square paper and he turned it over, only to be faced with a picture of a sonogram. He looked up at her with tears in his eyes.

"Are you...."

"Yes, I am," she beamed," and the doctor said it was healthy".

He picked her up and twirled her around, causing Eve to shriek with joy. He pulled her close to him once she was back on the ground, and laid his chin on top of her head.

"Luce?" She asked while snuggling into his chest, " this time will be different right?".

"Yes, Darling, this time will be different".


After signing Lux over to Maze, Lucifer resigned from his position with the LAPD. He took Eve to a property on the Persian Gulf, that he'd maintained ownership of for centuries. When he showed her a small clearing behind their villa, that had a small plaque placed on it, she cried at the significance of it.

"You didn't forget".

"I never could".

Several months later, Lucifer stood out on the balcony, holding his newborn daughter to his chest. One look at her dark brown eyes and amber colored wings, and he'd decided on the perfect name.

He looked from the infant to her sleeping mother and smiled. He felt complete, knowing that half his heart was with Eve, and the other half......

Belonged to Dawn.

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