Chapter 8 Predatory

Start from the beginning

"what happend Ultra Magnus?" Optimus asked. "She was attacked and being touched without her permission by an older male." I told him. "It is good that you reached her in time because she would be more injured physical and mentally if you hadn't." Ratchet said. He patched up her head and told me to put an icepack on her lips. Thank primus I had gotten  there in time. When I saw he had his hands on her my eyes saw red. I know I shouldnt be having these feelings towards Ella because she is human, and I'm basically a giant robot to her. Althought I do like the holoform that Ratchet gave me. It could maybe work between us. She may not even have the same feelings for me as I do for her. I've seen the way she acts when Wheeljack is around. He's rebelious, and sometimes she is too. It's too soon to tell her of the feelings that I'm feeling.


Ella P.O.V.

I woke up feeling groggy and with my head slightly hurt, but other than that I was okay. We'll I tried to get up and realized my whole body was some what sore. I looked around I was back at base, I saw Magnus sitting down beside me asleep. Awe he's so cute when he's asleep. I recalled what happend and almost happend. The guy that save me resembled Magnus but human. I swung my legs off the hospital bed that I was on and slowly walked down the hall way. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. It was 6:00p.m. good I still had time to apologize. I walked till I saw Optimus's berthroom he was sitting at a desk. I walked in and tapped on one of his pedes. He stopped what he was doing and looked down at me. "Hello Ella how are you feeling?" Optimus asked. "I"m better considering what almost happend. He nodded. "Optimus I want to formally apologize for last night and breaking the rules.I didnt understand the reason that racing was aganist the rules, but now I do and I'm so sorry." I apologized. I figured he was going to yell at me but to my surprise he just smiled. "Ella it is alright, I'm glad that you learned your lesson. All is good." Optimus said. "Thank Optimus, do you know where Wheeljack is?" I asked.

"He is out with the others, he should be back soon though." Optimus. "okay thanks." I said. I walked back down to the medbay to find Magnus waking up. His eyes were worried when he didnt see me laying there. "Magnus I'm alright I'm here." I told him. He relaxed and laid his hand on the ground for me to step on. "Magnus I wanted to apologize for last night, I shouldnt have broke the rules especially knowing that you always follow the rules, I should. I'm really sorry and dont blame Wheeljack I asked him to come along." "Ella you dont have to worry I'm not mad anymore I'm just glad your safe, and safe from what almost happend today." Magnus said. "do you know who that guy was? That saved me, he kinda looked like you but human." I asked. "It was me, that was the upgrade that I got it was a holoform." Magnus said. "Can I see?" I asked. He lowered me to the ground then his holoform appeared. Wow he was hot! I poked my finger on his cheek, he just looked at me weird. I then lifted up his shirt, yup he real he has a belly button. I started to blush though when I saw the 6pack that he was packing and the V. Oh the V is so sexy on a guy. I put his shirt down and said "I had to make sure you were real, if you had a belly button I knew you were actually real." I told him.  He just kind of smiled.

I was touching and poking Mangus's holoform when I heard the others pull up without Miko, Jack or Raph. I guess they all had to go home for dinner. Which means if Miko is gone then I'm late eek!. "Magnus I have to go home, Wheeljack would you mind taking me home I have to talk to you." I said to Magnus and Wheeljack. Wheeljack opened his drivers door for me and I hoped in. I buckled up and we were already driving out of the base. "wheeljack I wanted to apologize for getting you into trouble last night. I shouldnt have asked you to come along." I told him.

"Kid it's okay it was the funnest thing Iv done since I landed on this rock." Wheeljack said. "I really like the fact that your a rebel and you dont care about what people think about you. I wish Magnus would break the rules atleast once." I said and kinda laughed, knowing that's not going to happend. "who knows maybe he will, he's kind of different since he met you. He would have already peeled my paint by now from the stunt I pulled with you last night. What did you say to him anyways?' Wheeljack said and asked.

I looked at his radio where it made his face and said "I told him not to blame you because I was the one to ask you to go." "well I guess that caused him not to beat me." Wheeljack stated while he laughed. I laughed too. Soon we arrived at my house. I got out and patted the hood of Wheeljack and went into the house. I walked into the kitchen to fix me something to eat when I heard someone said" Ella are boys letting you drive their cars?' oh dad. "yes dad" I said. "do you have a boyfriend or several?" he asked. I couldnt help it I laughed. "No dad their guys but their just my friends, no worries okay?" I said. "okay good cause I'm not ready for my baby girl to go on dates just yet." dad said. "dad i'm gonna grow up sometime but I'll always be your baby girl." I told him. He hugged me and I hugged back. I was fixing myself some roman noodles when dad asked" what happend to your head?" Oh crap, I might as well tell him. "well I was walking home cause my friend couldnt pick me up today, and I passed an alley way and a man bout in his 30's grabbed me, I fought him off as best as I could but he slammed me up againist the wall. my vision was blurry and he took his chance and started to touch me in a place I'd rather not say and he almost raped me if I hadnt been saved by my friend Matt." I told him. "what? do you remember what the guy looked like? we have to report this. tomorrow your coming wiht me to the station. and I'd like to meet this Matt for saving my baby girl." dad said. "okay dad." I said. I finished my noodles and went up stairs and took a shower.

I got on my pj's and then got into bed. I was about to fall asleep when I heard I got a text. It read from Magnus

Magnus- goodnight Ella

Ella-goodnight Magnus (:

Magnus-what is that?

Ella- It's a smiley face means happy

Magnus-oh (:

Ella-there you go! (: by the way my dad wants to meet you tmro. and also your human Name is Matt mercer.

Magnus- okay (:

Ella -bye

Magnus bye

I smiled and fell asleep instantly.

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