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It's only been 2 hours into the school day and let me tell you I'm done. It's not the school work but it's the people around me, I don't wanna sound like a bitch but it's true. It's those people who just annoy you, there's nothing you have against them it's just they annoy you. I'm not the only one right? Well besides that, Trevor surprisingly is the only one getting me through the school. Yes, his constant talking is very obnoxious and annoying but he's probably the only person I can stand who's like that. Even Ivy is getting on my nerves right now. Thank the Lords above that it's was lunch. I walked out period 2 and began to walk to the cafeteria. Until I bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going." A female voice shirked at me. I recognize that voice out of no where. Chelsea Comar.

"Get out of my way." I said.

"Or what?" She smirked.

"You're not worth my time." I laughed.

"Come on don't be such a bitch Hali." She laughed while raising her voice causing eyes to turn to us.

"You talk a lot of shit for someone with a bitch who got passed by the varsity team two years in a row." I began to while and a few others along with me.

"At least I get dick." She argued.

"At least I'm clean." I smirked before pushing pass her to enter the cafeteria to where I find Asher.

"No you didn't." He laughed.

"Oh yeah I did." I laughed with him.

"That made my day."

"You're not the only one."

"Sooo what's been happening?" Asher asked while taking a bite of his food. I swear to God this dude is always eating.

"Have you heard the name Jack Hughes?"

"Who hasn't Hali."

"Anyways, he asked me to be friends with benefits so he can get Chelsea."

"Ok go on..." He said while taking a big bite of his sandwich.

"I don't know." I said honestly.

"Do it." He caught me off guard.


"Do it. You make Chelsea hate you even more and add some spice to the school year. Andddd who knows, you might end up liking him." He smirked.

"Not a chance, I can't stand him."


"Because I don't know how to keep self control when he's around."

friends with benifits : jack hughesWhere stories live. Discover now