I didn't say anything and that gave him the go ahead. He stood up and walked out of the room and he came back with a first aid kit.

When the spirit touched my skin I winced and he stopped, giving me an apologetic look.

"We leave tomorrow evening, you need to practice for your basketball and I've missed enough of school already." I told him, my voice breaking.

"Are you sure?" He stopped what he was doing for a second.

"Yeah," I'm not changing my mind.

Since weekend my life has been from one crazy mess to the other and this was the worst I could bear.

When Jasper was done he slowly kissed my knuckles before he walked out of the room, leaving me to my thoughts.

My mind has been racing from North to South and it's exhausting. I just need a few hours to get myself back.


"You're lucky she actually aimed for your shoulder and not your head." My father told Mia who was trapped behind a cell.

Mia rolled her eyes and I completely ignored her.

"So what are we going to do with her?" I asked him.

"The mafia will handle it, you don't have to worry about her."

I took a look at her bandaged shoulder before nodding and walking out.

Yesterday when I shot Mia, I deliberately aimed for her shoulder, not wanting someone's death on my hands. Where I shot her though was good enough to kill her if she wasn't attended to on time.

The doctors came shortly after and treated her wound. Till now I can't believe I actually shot someone.

After lying down on the bed for a while Jasper brought some food for me, I refused to eat at first but he begged me till I gave in. I was able to eat a little and Jasper left me. Later on he brought dinner for me. I ate better then and like lunch after eating I laid back down and this time around I actually slept.

I woke up this morning feeling a bit refreshed but still sad. I had dealt with my mother's death before but with the fact that Mia was responsible dug an even deeper hole into my heart.

At the point after she told us why my life was that way and before we figured out what she did, I was starting to take a liking to her. She showed a cool side to her that I actually liked.

Once again, I was deceived and lied to. My life is a mess.

Jasper, Devin, Jade and I are leaving in an hour and I really just wanted to see her behind bars. Even though it wasn't government owned it was still bars.

"Hey," Jasper shifted on the couch, giving me space to sit.

I sat down, "Hi"

When I woke up this morning he was there. He stayed in the room as I took a shower and got dressed. When I stayed a little too long in the shower he came banging on the door, asking if I was okay.

When I was finally dressed I apologized for the previous day and he just smiled warmly at me, telling me that he completely understood.

My father came in shortly after I did and sat down beside Aunt Bella. "So Jemma, we'll see you during the holidays?"

"Yeah, wouldn't want to miss the family games." I said with a small smile.

"Yeah you don't," Leo said making all of us to chuckle.

"You can come with your boyfriend, the more the merrier." Aunt Bella suggested.

I turned to Jasper and he shrugged, "I have nowhere else to go"

"What about your brother?" I whispered so only him could hear.

"He'll stay with the gang."

I reasoned it for a second before shrugging, sounds okay.

"Sure," I faced Aunt Bella.

The next hour was spent with us talking and laughing at ourselves. At least I was still able to find a little happiness within.

When it was time to leave we all stood up. Jasper was carrying my bag with his.

When we got to the door I turned to my family, "I'll miss you guys." I told them.

"We'll miss you too," my dad pulled me to a hug and I hugged him back.

Everyone took their turns hugging and saying goodbyes before we finally walked into the SUV.

The ride to the airport was spent in silence. We got to the airport and got on the jet still in silence, taking our seats and buckling up.

When the jet was finally in the air, I pulled out my mother's laptop, going through the new pictures and videos and reading the documents.

The documents are all mostly about what she was doing how she felt and all that kind of stuff.

The videos and pictures are of me as a baby, of her, both of us together and some with Mia. I replayed the video of when I first started walking over and over and everyone joined me.

We continued teasing ourselves throughout the flight and the tension that was there finally rested.

13 long hours were finally over and we hopped out of the plane.

Paige and Kyler were already waiting for us when we got down. They came in two separate cars, great idea.

"Hey, how was your trip." Paige engulfed me in a hug.

"It was okay," I hugged her back.

"You don't sound too excited," she held my shoulders looking at me.

I chuckled, "let's get out of here and I'll tell you."

"Hey, how was your trip?" Kyler hugged me.

"Jasper will tell you all about it," I pulled away before hopping into Paige's car.

I was at shotgun and Jade was at the back. Paige pulled out to the main road and she gave me a look that said I should start spilling so I did.

When she finally killed the engine I was done with my story, of course Jade piped in once in a while. Paige just pulled me into another hug, "I'm sorry Jemma."

"It's not your fault."

"Alright, let's get you freshened up." She said pulling away and stepping out of the car.

The moment I stepped into the house, the smell of food and of course lasagna hits my nose and my mouth watered.

I'm back home. Or what should I say now for a girl who was Adopted?


Hey there! How is your day going? Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Who thinks that Jemma should have killed Mia?

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