Chapter 21

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"Gosh Jemma I was so scared." Devin said as he crushed me in a hug.

I hugged him back and laughed at the look Jasper was giving him. I'm sure if looks could kill Devin would be dead a long time ago.

I pulled away from the hug and put my books in my bag then locked my locker. Jasper, Devin, Paige and I walked to class and Devin went his way when we got to the front of the class.

All my clas as Sses ran  fast and when the final bell rang Jasper and I walked to his car. The day was normal as usual, during lunch Quinn and Madison went all on how they were scared when they heard what happened and I just smiled at them.

We were able to turn in our literature assignment today since Jasper and I were able to finish it last night. Last night seems so far away when you consider all that happened before now.

Jasper unlocked his car and we both got in. I don't know why I didn't come in my car today but I'm kinda glad I didn't, at least now I'm having some time alone with Jasper which of course is a rare thing. After Friday night, things seemed to shift between us. Not in a bad way though, I find myself relaxing more around him, I'm staritng to trust him and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

Yes I have feelings for him and I'm not going to deny it anymore but the question is, does he feel the same way about me?

On Friday night he was jealous over what happened between Devin and I. I taught that was all until today when he kissed me in his car and not only did he stop there, he kissed me twice in the cafeteria.

Every time he kissed me I felt my heart flutter, I could feel the electricity running through my body whenever he touched me. The softness of his lips when he kissed me like I was going to fade away right in front of him.

I don't even know what those kisses mean to him but If he goes on kissing and touching me without talking about it then I'm going to have to force it out of him. I refuse to be seen and used as a toy.

"Do you have plans for tonight?" Jasper asked breaking the silence between us.

"No, why are you asking?" I turned to him.

"Well, I want to take you somewhere," his gaze shifted to mine for a second before looking back at the road.

Okay now he wants to take me on a date or what is this? With Jasper I never know, "like a date or what?" I said then quickly covered my mouth. That wasn't what I expected myself to say.

He chuckled, "yeah, a date actually."

His words sent my heart skyrocketing. This is not happening, Jasper is asking me out on a date!

Why am I suddenly acting this way, wasn't I the one who was just thinking of approaching him if he doesn't do or say anything about us and now he's asking me on a date and I'm almost freaking out. Jemma get a grip of yourself!

"Okay," A smile crept up on my face and I felt my cheeks heating up.

"I'll pick you up at seven?"

I chuckled "Jasper we live in the same house, no one is picking anyone up."

"I actually have somewhere to be before seven," he said trying to hide his amusement.

"Oh," I stopped laughing and hid my face with my hair from embarrassment. I'm so stupid.

The rest of the car ride was silent and immediately he parked the car I'm running out of the car and straight to Paige's room.

To my surprise she's in her room, "hey Paige." I threw myself on her bed.

"JJ, what's up."

"Jasper asked me out on a date," I blurted out and closed my ears to protect them from her screams and right on cue she let out a loud scream.

She jumped on the bed beside me and I released my hands from my ears.

"Oh my gosh, did he tell you where you were going, what are you going to wear?" She grinned.

"He didn't say anything," I answered her question sitting up. "Now that I think of it I should have asked him, what if I dress too casual and he takes me to a fancy restaurant or I dress too fancy and he takes me to a bowling alley."

"Then go ask him," she suggested and I shook my head.

"He just asked me, if I ask him now it'd be wierd, I'll wait. I'll ask him by let's say six since we'll be leaving by seven," I said and she nodded accepting my option. We spent an hour or so talking about everything. It turns out Zayn is really serious with her and Jasper has been aware for a while now but he promised to seal his lips.

When I headed to my room, I did my homework then got into my wardrobe to search for dress options. After minutes of searching I finally decided on a pair of black skinny jeans with a peach off shouldered shirt and a black jacket to go with it. I pick out my black ankle boots for it. It's getting colder with every passing night. The second option is a black spaghetti strapped dress with a jeans jacket to go with it. It hugs my body perfectly. I'm not sure of the shoe to go with it yet. I'm not a heels person so I might not exactly go with that.

My phone beeped on my dresser and I saw a message from Jasper.

Jasper: dress comfortable ;) c u soon, xoxo

I relaxed and quickly threw the dress and the jean jacket back into my wardrobe.

My door swunv open and Paige walked in. "Who's ready to get dolled up for her first date with Jas-" I clasped my hands on her mouth stopping her from completing her sentence.

"That's enough," I removed my hands from her mouth.

"So what are you wearing?" She sat on my bed.

I pointed to what I picked out on my bed and she nodded in acceptance, "First I need to take a shower." I told her and disappeared into my bathroom.

When I was done with my shower I walked into my wardrobe with my clothes in my hands. Paige already had the flat iron plugged in and waiting for me. I rolled my eyes when I saw her. She can be a bit extra at times.

When done changing, I let Paige straighten my hair though it's straight enough for me but she insists so I let her do her job. When done with my hair she begins dolling up my face. I begged her not to use too much since I'm not really a fan of make up and she promises me she won't go overboard.

When she was finally done she allowed me to look in the mirror, finally. It was hard to recognize the person in the mirror. The makeup was just as moderate as I wanted it. Powder, mascara, eye liner and nude lipstick and the magic is done. I look good or according to Paige, 'he won't take his eyes off you'.

I put on my boots and put some change, my credit card, some mint and my phone in my purse.

It's seven already so I go downstairs and to my surprise Jasper is down there. He doesn't notice me till I am in front of him.

"Hi," I smile and he openly looked me up and down.

"Hey," he planted a quick kiss on my lips "You look gorgeous. You ready?"

"Yeah," I can feel the heat in my cheeks rising.

He placed his hand in the small of my back and led me out of the house. Before he closes the door behind him I heard Paige yell, "be home by 11" and Jasper just flips her off and closed the door.

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