Chapter 26

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I stayed back for a while before going after Jasper. The shower was still running when I walked into his room so I laid on his bed face first.

When Jasper came out of the shower I heard him chuckle so I turned to him. A towel was wrapped lowly on his waist so that way I could see his V line, water droplets were on his exposed skin.

"You didn't have to turn you know, I was enjoying the view from up here," he said walking towards me.

"Perv," I stood up, reaching to smack his chest but before my hand could make the impact he held my hand and slowly placed my hand on his wet chest.

I could feel his heart beating rapidly beneath my hand. He slowly leaned in till his breath was fanning my neck, "all yours."

He let go of my hand and walked into his closet. I sat back on the bed waiting until he came out, grey sweatpants on and shirtless.

He sat beside me, and I was the first to speak up, "what was that about downstairs?"

He sighed heavily before speaking, "when my parents died in the car crash five years ago, my brother left." he stopped.

I looked up at him and held his face in my hands, "I'm here for you." I reminded him.

He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me unto his laps, "my parents left both the gang and their business for us to handle and their last wish was that Max takes over the gang since he was the older one, then when I'm twenty I take over the family business. After their deaths my brother and I made a promise to always protect each other and to always have each others backs. One day he disappeared and left behind a note saying he was sorry. After that I never heard or saw him again till today, all I knew was that he was hiding somewhere in London. He left me to handle the gang alone, I trained everyday, I got bruised and badly injured but I never gave up. I made a promise to myself to never be a coward like my brother so I started my trainings at twelve and took over the gang from my uncle at fifteen." He let out a huge breath.

I took it all in and silence filled the air for a while until he spoke up again, "and now he's back and he expects me to just sit there and watch him do as he pleases, he's joking."

I shifted on his lap so that I was now straddling him, then I threw my arms around him and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back and I could feel the tension on his shoulder drop and he visibly relaxed.

I pulled away to look at him, "Paige told me that your brother was taking a business management course that's why he wasn't around."

"Well that's what we always said so that he won't look too bad in front of people."

I nodded, "well at least you have someone to call your family and still wants to support you even though he's wronged you. He apologized and that's all that matters but you still have to be careful around him, you never know what his real intentions are."

He let my words sink in, "you're right."

I hugged him again and when I pulled away he claimed my lips. His hands gripped my hips and my hands were tangled in his hair, he ran his tongue on my bottom lip and I gave him access.

I began grinding my hips on him and I could feel he was getting excited. He turned us over, pushing us to the bed so he was on top of me. My legs wrapped around his waist and he was between my legs.

He ran his hands on my bare skin that was now on display from my shirt rolling up. His hand on my skin sent bolts of electricity through me. He was slowly lifting my shirt up, silently asking for permission and when I didn't stop him he proceeded to take it off but before he could complete his mission the door flung open.

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