Great Escape and Sorrow

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(Story PoV)

"Once Upon a Time in a happy forest, in the happiest tree, lived the happiest creatures the world has ever known. The Trolls!"

Inside a tree, inside colorful pods, several small and colorful trolls happily conversed.

"They loved nothing more than to sing, and dance, and hug. Dance, and hug, and sing, and dance, and sing, and hug, dance...and hug, and dance, and sing, and hug, and dance and hug..."

The Trolls began to sing, dance and hug in rapid procession and a Troll passes out from exhaustion on a flower.

"But then one day, the Trolls were discovered by...a Bergen!"

A grim colored, HUGE, creature with big teeth stands by the tree, observing the Trolls.

"The Bergens didn't know how to sing..."

Two of the giant Bergens try to sing, only to croak out a few notes.

"or dance...or even hug."

The Bergens try to dance, but one of them ends up kicking the other in the butt. The kicked Bergen retaliates by giving the offender a wedgie.

"They were the most miserable creatures in all the land."

A cloud appears and rains down on the two Bergens.

"And once they saw how happy the Trolls were...they wanted some of that happiness of themselves."

One Bergen walks up to a singing Troll and flicks it into its mouth. The other Trolls in the tree gasp and their eyes widen. One Troll cries out, "OH MY GAH!"

"Eating a Troll made them feel so happy... they started a tradition."

The Troll eating Bergen visibly becomes happier and the Troll tree is ensnared in a cage, a dark and dull town popping up around it.

"Once a year, every year...the Bergens would gather around the Troll taste happiness...on a holiday they called...Trollstice."
A small and young Bergen wearing a cape and crown races through the Bergens Castle on his bike, racing up a flight of stairs in clear excitement.

Meanwhile, a much older Bergen was still sleeping in his bed, snoring loudly. An alligator laying down in front of his bedroom door, also asleep.

But not for long.

The young Bergen from before busts into the room, knocking the door off its hinges and onto the alligator, then sails through the air to land on the older Bergens stomach.

"Whoo!", cries the young Bergen as he lands.

The older Bergen remains dead to the world, continuing his slumber

"Good morning, Daddy!", cries the young Bergen.

No response. Only more snoring.

"Daddy, wake up!", Said the young Bergen, siting down on his Daddy's chest.

"Daddy, wake up! Wake up! Wake up, Daddy!", the boy continues to call out as he attempts to wake his Dad.

"Wake up, Daddy.", he whispers in his ear.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!", he says over, trying to wake his daddy by jumping on him.

Finally getting frustrated, the young Bergen opens his Dads nightshirt ...

"Daddy, wake up!"

And rips out some white chest hair.

The older Bergen screams in pain, now wide awake. He catches the small Bergen before he can once again land on his belly.

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