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Pronunciation: ANN-niece

Voice Actor: Janelle Monáe

Description: Fun and loving but can be a little serious. She can get dragged down by sad memories and things, occasionally.Does not sing or dance as much as other Trolls and lives in a fallen hollow tree, not a pod.

Family: Cole (Husband), Several cousins(Not particularly close too), Cooper (Adopted Son)

Age: 26, during beginning of first movie. 46, at time of Bergen attack. 48-49, at time of World Tour.

Likes: Growing produce and flowers, Occasional dangerous-fun activities, Alternative forms of Pop and regular Pop, Good rules, Cooking, Outdoors, Occasional Scrapbooking (Mostly about Cooper), King Peppy, Poppy, Cooper

Dislikes: Bergens, Excessive glitter, Trolls she loves being in danger, Excessive socialising, Pudding

Biggest fear: ...

Hobbies: Gardening, Cooking (Livelihood), Making and Recording her own songs, Being prepared in an emergency

Hair: Like below only 'tail' part is slightly bigger and hair is Taffy colour. Bow is pear green. She is the only other Troll in village, besides Poppy, who wears ponytail and bangs.

 She is the only other Troll in village, besides Poppy, who wears ponytail and bangs

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Skin: Magenta colour with slight glittery freckles on face

Eyes: typical Troll eyelashes, Deep sky blue irises. Wears darker shade of magenta eye shadow. Looks like below.

Nose is taffy pink like her hair

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Nose is taffy pink like her hair. Wears earrings on special occasions and is slightly taller than adult!Poppy.

Usual outfit (I do not own!): Like below only everything purple is a pear green and sleeves cut off just past shoulders and not puffy.

Usual outfit (I do not own!): Like below only everything purple is a pear green and sleeves cut off just past shoulders and not puffy

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Taffy, Magenta, Pear green, Deep sky blue

Colours:Taffy, Magenta, Pear green, Deep sky blue

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