Chapter 19: The Sniper

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The WWE's blue brand comes to the fans this week with a huge 10 man tag team match for the show as Alex, Travis, Josh, Xander and their mystery partner takes on Chase, Shepherd, Colby, Pierce and Elleon in the main event. The One-Winged Angel remembers that if he failed to find a fifth man, then it will be a handicap match; however, Io has called someone to be the Brotherhood's fifth man.

Also advertised was a non-title match as Tegan takes on Raw Women's Champion Bayley. The Shiniest Wizard was in her locker room feeling all nervous because if she manages to defeat Bayley clean, a Raw Women's Championship opportunity may be on her sights. Alex came in to her locker room to check on her. He sat down next to Tegan.

Alex: how are you feeling?

Tegan: a bit nervous, I'm facing the champion

Alex: you got this

Tegan: I'm loving your One-Winged Angel gimmick; you know that's one of my favorite games

Alex: well I wonder who helped me come up with that gimmick?

Tegan: is it someone in this room?

She played dumb to tease him.

Alex: well this person took care of me when I was injured

Tegan blushed lightly.

Alex: seriously, thanks for taking care of me when I was hurt

Tegan: you're welcome; oh, I have my new gear with me, want to see it?

Alex: sure, is it Captain Marvel again?

Tegan: no, I got inspired by your One-Winged Angel; give me a minute to change

She went to the bathroom and changed into her new ring attire. After a minute, she came out.

Tegan: hey, what do you think?

Alex was taken aback by the color scheme; the top was white and the bottom was black wjo;e the kickpads were red.

Alex: are you Tegan or are you Tifa?

Tegan: a change in direction from the usual Captain Marvel look

Alex: it looks really cute on you

Tegan: aww thanks

She sat back down next to Alex.

Tegan: so who is your fifth partner for your team?

Alex: I don't know, Io knows him

Tegan: hmm, whoever he is, all of us we'll be shocked

Alex: won't know until tonight

Then the show started with the opening match being the non-title one on one match.

Tegan: I gotta go

Alex: good luck

Tegan: thanks

They shared a hug before Tegan left. Alex joined the Brotherhood to watch the match.

Rhea: if Tegan wins this, she might have a shot at Bayley for her title

Candice: I want to see that happen

(Tegan vs. Bayley)

With her husband Finn at ringside, the ex-Hugger was full of confidence. The two women locked up. Tegan was focused on Bayley, but she also had to look around for any unexpected interference from Dakota.

It was back and forth between Bayley and Tegan, but the tables turned on the Shiniest Wizard as Finn distracted the referee to give Bayley an illegal opportunity by poking Tegan in the eyes.

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