Chapter 18: Rebirth

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24 hours since the shocking ending of Backlash which saw the rebirth of Alex who was revealed as the One-Winged Angel. In the ring, the Bliss Republic were seething with anger as Alexa got on the mic.

Alexa: Alex! Alex Auditore, we all know you and the Brotherhood are back there, but I want only you to get out here now!

Alex's new theme played.

Out came the One-Winged Angel, Alex with an evil smirk on his face, though he has ordered the Brotherhood to stay put.

Alex: you called?

Alexa: one question, how in the hell are you back from injury; Randy's punt kick was suppose to take you out for months

Alex: you should know that I am a tough guy, I don't stay on the ground for long; as you can see, I have rejuvenated myself as the One-Winged Angel, I am more stronger and unstoppable than ever before

Alexa: you can all high and powerful all you want, but I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but our higher power Fiend is not here tonight

Alex: oh, he went back to his firefly nuthouse to play with his puppets

Alexa: well if you want to fight us, then I propose a match for this Friday on SmackDown

Alex: name your match, wife

Alexa: a ten man tag team match; the Bliss Republic will be represented by Blood Shepherd, Pierce Johnson, Colby Newfer, Elleon Astralis and Chase Destiny as they take on the turncoats Travis Sharp and Josh Stevens, someone we haven't seen a while Xander Kross, yourself and any partner of your choosing

Alex: ten man tag match? I accept

Alexa: there's a catch

Alex: what?

Alexa: your fifth man cannot be a member of the Brotherhood; sure you got Xander, but again we haven't seen him that much, as for Josh and Travis, they chose to turn against us, so you have 4 days to find a fifth man

Alex: ...

Alexa: fail to find a fifth member of your team, then it will be a handicap match

Alex: it will be an even match, but that's Friday, so tonight I want a fight against any member of your group

Alexa: since Pierce, Colby, Chase, Shepherd and Elleon are given the night off, you can go against both members of AOP and the Miz in a 3 on 1 handicap match just to see if your so called "rebirth" made you stronger

Alex: we'll see about that

The One-Winged Angel stared daggers at the Bliss Republic as the show went to commercial.


Alex regrouped with the Brotherhood in the locker room.

Alex: 10 man tag team match on SmackDown this Friday

Travis: who will be our fifth member?

Dominik: you heard Alexa, it can't be any of us

Keith: damn

Josh: looks like we have to go 5 on 4

Io: maybe not

The Genius of the Sky had an idea.

Io: I know someone

Roman: who?

Io: hold on, I'm gonna call him

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