Chapter 14: Struggle

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48 hours had passed since the shocking conclusion of NXT Takeover: Tampa from the reveal of "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt as the Bliss Republic's higher power to the emotionally scarred punt kick of Randy Orton on his "son" Alex Auditore. For Raw tonight, Alexa will address the events at Tampa and will vow revenge on the turncoats Josh Stevens and Peyton Royce.

The Brotherhood now co-led by Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens struggled to come to terms of Alex out of action indefinitely with most of them hoping for Alex to walk through the locker room door, but they can only hope and dream. Tegan has chosen to have work leave to be at the side of the Pharaoh. 

Josh: what now guys?

Kevin: we're still in shock of what happened

Rhea: never knew Orton will do that to his own protege

Roman: even Alex's own wife was all in on this

Keith: now the Republic has The Fiend whispering in their ears

They turned to the screen to see the Bliss Republic walking towards the ring as they will address the events that went down.

Candice: let's see what they have to say

(In the ring)

The Bliss Republic's theme played and out came the group led by Alexa and the new United States Champion Randy both with evil smirks on their faces. As they got in the ring, the Viper took this time to gloat as he raised the title he took from his apprentice. The crowd booed loudly. The Goddess got on the mic.

Alexa: this past Saturday, you all witness the fall of my husband!

The crowd booed.

Alexa: I did really well as a referee; I called it down fairly, so now bask in the presence of your new United States Champion, Randy Orton!

The Republic clapped for the veteran member.

Alexa: now we don't want to brag, but what the hell? Let's roll that footage again!

The big screen showed the closing moments of the main event from the revelation of the Fiend to the punt kick. After that, Alexa looked at the camera.

Alexa: oh Alex, how are you feeling? Hurt, that your own "father" kicked you to the curb? Your own lovely wife being apart of this evil scheme? I saw that look in your eyes Alex, you're afraid when our higher power showed up

She giggled evilly.

Alexa: you called yourself the Pharaoh, so I'll say, have fun in the afterlife

The crowd booed.

Alexa: now, onto tonight's festivities; I want to address the married couple of Candice LeRae and Johnny Gargano; you two say you're the prime example of couples goals, so the Bliss Republic wants to challenge and test you two for that; tonight, you two will go against Finn Balor and his lovely wife, the Raw Women's Champion and no longer your resident Hugger Bayley!

The NXT fans' top ship couple smirked evilly while Finn kissed Bayley's head.

Alexa: now to the traitors of our vision, Josh Stevens and Peyton Royce, you may have betrayed the Bliss Republic, but trust me, your punishment will come sooner or later

The Republic were interrupted by the Brotherhood's theme. The group came out with the Big Dog and KO leading the charge. As Alexa and the Republic stared down at the Brotherhood, the Goddess did the mocking search look.

Alexa: oh you're here, but wait where's your leader, where's my beloved husband? Oh that's right, he's somewhere laid up on a hospital bed

Kevin: you may have taken out Alex on order from your so called higher power who's nothing more than a man with a mask while he runs a nuthouse

Bliss Kingdom 4: Rise of the Republicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें