Chapter 10: Mixed Tag Chaos

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(Time skip)

This past Friday, the Brotherhood and the Bliss Republic have each recruited a person to their group. Alex has recruited the Swiss Superman Cesaro to the Brotherhood to help deal with the Republic's muscle. As for Alexa, the Grand Master recruited the mind game artist and former Corporation member Shinsuke Nakamura along with his cohort and the so called great liberator Sami Zayn.

Tonight was Raw, and the WWE Universe were invested and focused on the main event, the mixed tag team match between Alex & Tegan taking on Alexa & her mystery partner. The Goddess had changed the participants of the six man tag match so it will be Drew, Rusev and Ricochet taking on Blood Shepherd and AOP. She also announced a six man tag match for NXT as Dijakovic, Keith and WALTER will take on Randy Orton, Travis Sharp and William Tuazon. Also advertised are two non title tag matches between the Raw Tag Team Champions Josh Stevens and Elleon Astralis taking on Mustache Mountain's Tyler Bate and Trent Seven while the other was the SmackDown Tag Champions Pierce Johnson and Colby Newfer taking on New Day's Big E and Kofi Kingston.

At the Brotherhood's big locker room, Tegan was putting on her kickpads until she heard a knock on the door.

Tegan: come in

The door opened and Alex came in; he sat down next to Lady Kane and looked at the knee brace she's wearing.

Tegan: I was sidelined with a serious knee injury, cost me a year of my career

Alex: now you're back stronger

Tegan: faster and shinier

The two chuckled and shared a laugh. Alex traced small circles on Tegan's bare knee which let out a cute giggle from her.

Tegan: ah, it tickles!

She playfully slapped his arm.

Alex: how you feel about Dakota joining the enemy?

Tegan: I felt it coming, ever since she turned on me, Rhea and Candice at WarGames months ago. Dakota has went down to a darker path, and she was my best friend

Alex gently wrapped his arm around her and pulled Tegan in for a comforting hug; she laid her head on his shoulder as tears fell from her eyes. The United States Champion wiped her tears away with his thumb.

Tegan: thanks, I needed some closure and comfort

Alex: it's no problem, I gonna go change too

Tegan nodded and she watched Alex leave while her cheeks flushed red.

The Pharaoh joined the rest of the Brotherhood as they watched their cohorts Drew, Rusev and Ricochet taking on the Bliss Republic's Blood Shepherd and AOP.

Alex: how is it looking?

Kevin: so far, it's all Brotherhood

Roman: I guess Drew is not finished with Shepherd

(In the ring)

As the Sexy Scotsman tagged in, he wasted no time going after Blood Shepherd after Akam tagged the WWE Champion in. McIntyre took out the AOP with right hands allowing Rusev and Ricochet to go on the offense on the Republic's enforcers. In the ring, McIntyre was measuring Shepherd for a Claymore while doing a countdown with the live crowd. As Shepherd went to his feet, McIntyre launched, but was caught by Shepherd's Giga Savate Strike, but to his horror, Drew stumbled and bounced back with a Claymore. 

As the Scotsman went for the pin, he was ambushed by AOP causing the match to end in a disqualification. Rusev and Ricochet got in to even the odds; Shepherd escaped and could only watch as the Brotherhood members took out the AOP with Ricochet hitting the Ripcord on Rezar and Rusev delivering the Machka Kick to Akam followed by another Claymore from Drew.

Backstage, the three Brotherhood men went in feeling motivated than ever.

Alex: you guys done well, though it didn't end cleanly

Drew: it's alright, I sent a message to Shepherd

An hour past of the show until it was time for the main event mixed tag team match. Alex was ready to go and he went and knocked on Tegan's door. 

Alex: Tegan, it's time to go

Tegan: okay, I'm ready

Roman: good luck man

Candice: we'll be rooting from here

Tegan and Alex nodded and left the locker room for the mixed tag team match.

(In the ring)

The Brotherhood's theme played and making their way was Lady Kane and her partner, the current United States Champion and the leader of the Brotherhood. The two made their entrance full of confidence and were both ready for Alexa and her partner.

The Republic's theme played and out came the Grand Master Alexa Bliss with an evil smirk on her face as she stared at Tegan and Alex. She pointed at the stage and her partner of her choice was none other than her Mixed Match Challenge partner, the Monster Among Men Braun Strowman. The crowd were happy to see the reunion of the beloved mixed tag team known as Team Little Big. The two to start were the two men. 

Alex and Braun locked up and the Monster shoved him away while he taunted the Pharaoh with his monstrous scream while Alexa was laughing and clapping on the apron. Alex showed no fear and went back to his feet to ground Strowman with agile offense. Braun stumbled and Alexa tagged herself in to go face to face with her husband.

Alex put his hands up and shook his head while Alexa shoved him; Alex had a merciful look on his eyes, but snapped out as Tegan came rushing and tackled Alexa to the ground.

(End of match)

Alex managed to take out Braun with a monstrous AKO while Tegan leveled Alexa with a chokeslam; she then measured the Republic Grand Master for the Shiniest Wizard. Tegan nailed Alexa with her finisher, but the referee was distracted with Braun bringing in a steel chair which gave Dakota the opportunity to sneak attack Tegan from behind with a chop block.

Alex attempted to help out Tegan, but he was struck with an RKO from outta nowhere by his sneaky and conniving mentor, Randy Orton. The Goddess took advantage of the distraction and went to the top turnbuckle for the Twisted Bliss. As Alexa went for the pin, Alex tried to help while he dragged his body, but it was too late as the ref count to 3.

As Randy and Dakota celebrated with Alexa and Braun, the Goddess ordered the Viper to pick up the Pharaoh. Orton nodded and picked up his protege for Alexa. The Goddess held him by the chin while she evilly smirked. Then she gave him a kiss to the lips before ordering Randy to let him go.

The Pharaoh watched the Bliss Republic making their exit while he crawled to Tegan's side. He cradled her head in his arm while he placed his hand on her knee while she held it in pain. Then Tegan sat up and stared daggers at Dakota while Alex had his eyes set on Alexa and Randy.

The Bliss Republic has one up the Brotherhood and looks to fire another shot on Wednesday Night NXT. Alexa, Randy, Dakota and Braun raised their arms for the Republic's taunt as the show ended.

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