Chapter 12: Shots Fired

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With Takeover: Tampa tomorrow, there was a little window of opportunity for Alex and the Brotherhood to out think the Bliss Republic. Tonight's card for SmackDown were majority last chance matches for the tag team division. Alexa has organized a non-title match as Raw Tag Team Champions Josh and Elleon faces Moustache Mountain's Trent and Tyler, and by order of Alexa, Tyler and Trent can earn a tag title shot against Josh and Elleon, but they must defeat them via pinfall or submission within a 10 minute time limit.

The Republic co-leader has also organized a champion versus champion match as she puts her husband, the United States Champion Alex against the reigning Intercontinental Champion Travis.

In the locker room of the Brotherhood, Alex has recovered from his sneak attack by his mentor a few days ago. Tegan, Kevin and Roman came to see their leader.

Tegan: how are you feeling?

Alex: still a bit sore physically, but it still hurts emotionally

Roman: look man, I know what you are going through; it happened to me few years ago during my days with the Shield

Alex: Seth chose that path and sold out to the Authority, and he was your "brother-in-arms," but this is my wife were dealing with, the love of my life

Kevin: will you be okay for your match against Travis later?

Alex: Travis is my best friend, and forcing to face him really hits me here

Kevin: same thing when Sami and I fought

Alex: look, if anything happens to me at Tampa tomorrow... Kevin, Roman will do me a favor?

Roman: yeah sure

Kevin: what is it?

Alex: lead the Brotherhood while I'm gone

Roman: what do you mean "gone?"

Alex: I may not survive my match against Randy, seeing how many guys he took out in his career

Kevin: if you go down, we'll all go down with you

Roman: we formed the Brotherhood to take down the Republic, this is our fight too, man

Kevin: we'll give you space, so you can prepare for your match; just hang in there

Roman and Kevin left the locker room, leaving Tegan and Alex alone. The Shiniest Wizard put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

Tegan: do you need anything?

Alex: I was gonna ask you if you can be at my corner for my title match tomorrow

Tegan: sure I love to, so you can have some support

Tegan said as she smiled. She then hugged Alex which brought a sly grin on the Pharaoh's face. 

Alex: thank you, Tegan; I just needed some closure

Tegan: sure, if you need anyone or a shoulder to cry on, you can come to me

She put her hand on top of his hand.

Tegan: I know how it feels when anyone close to you; a best friend or in this case your wife is your enemy and your only option is to fight

Alex nodded.

Tegan: hang in there, you'll get through this

Then out of nowhere, Tegan placed a kiss on his cheek.

Alex: what was that for?

Tegan: sorry, I didn't mean to!

Alex: Tegan, it's okay; thanks for that, I just needed some closure

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