Chapter 42

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Chapter 42
Jenny's POV

"What is going on?" Parker asks again as she looks between us.

"What does it look like?" Raegan asks with a smirk and Parker eyes us curiously.

"I don't know, that's kind of why I asked," Parker says and Raegan's smirk grows a little as she stares back at her.

"We are on a date right now and you are kind of interrupting something," she says with amusement as she places her elbow on the table and leans her head against her hand.

"Is that so?" Parker asks with a raised brow as she looks towards me. "Are you two really on a date or is Rae just fucking with me?" she asks curiously and I laugh a little.

"Well, she did ask me out to dinner and I did say yes, so I suppose you could say that this is a date," I say and Parker nods as Raegan laughs a little.

"You see, do you think I would lie to you?" Raegan asks with amusement clear on her face.

"Are you jealous?" I ask curiously and Parker shrugs.

"I'm not so much jealous as I am wondering if I shouldn't bother coming home until late just in case you guys want to be alone," she says and Brayden suddenly starts groaning.

"Oh god. I did not need to fucking hear that," he complains and we all laugh a little. "I think I might actually be sick."

"Relax," I say reassuringly to him. "We are just out as friends," I say and Parker gives me a questioning look. "Seriously. There's no need to say anything more about it. I think we have already broken Brayden as is," I say as I look at him out of the corner of my eye and he looks incredibly uncomfortable.

"Yes, please let's not say anything more," he begs. "I know way too fucking much already about my aunt's... sex life as is... can we please just go before we are late to our movie, Parker?" he asks desperately and I try not to laugh.

"Fine," Parker sighs before looking back at Raegan and I. "I'm very sorry I interrupted you two, I was just incredibly surprised to see you out together. I love you both and I hope you enjoy the rest of your night," she says with a loving smile before turning around and dragging a nauseated looking Brayden away.

"Oh god," Raegan laughs as she watches them walk away. "I feel so bad for Brayden right now. He literally looked like he was going to get sick," she says and I laugh a little.

"He has actually been handling this really well, at least when it comes to just Parker and I. Even hinting at anything going on between us may have been a bit too much for him," I say and she suddenly smirks at me.

"Is there anything going on between us?" she asks with a smirk and I look at her with a raised brow.

"In what sense?" I ask and she shrugs.

"I can still text Parker and tell her not to rush home... or maybe if you would prefer, I could tell her to do just that," she says as her smirk grows and I roll my eyes.

"Nothing is happening in that sense. I'm not putting out just because you bought me dinner," I say and she laughs.

"Was worth a shot," she says and I eye her curiously.

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