Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

I have been trying to fix my relationship with Brayden since Jenny and I got back together. I knew he was really upset with me for hurting her and I don't blame him in the slightest for it. I figured it would take some time for us to be good again and I think for the most part we are but I still get the feeling every now and then that he is still upset with me.

"You're still mad at me aren't you?" I ask him straight up as he walks back into the living room with a couple of sodas and a sandwich.

"What are you talking about?" he asks as he hands me one of the cans before sitting back in the chair next to his couch. "I said I was over it."

"But you haven't forgiven me," I say with a frown and he sighs loudly.

"Well fuck, Parker. What do you want from me?" he asks as he puts the plate with his sandwich on the coffee table. "You broken my aunt's fucking heart after I asked you not to. I get you are back together and doing whatever it is the fuck you are doing but yeah I'm still a little upset you did it to begin with. But I'm not pissed at you anymore, it's been weeks since you apologized for it," he says and I kind of just shrug.

"I don't know. I kind of just figured you were really pissed at me still since you haven't been wanting to hang out nearly as much lately," I say and he rolls his eyes.

"You've been busy with your girlfriends," he says and I frown.

"Not so busy that I can't spend time with you. You never even ask if I want to hang out anymore and whenever I ask you, you say you already have plans to hang with Tyler," I say and he shrugs.

"You can hang with us if you want but you never want to so I don't ask anymore," he says nonchalantly.

I silently look at him for a second unsure if I should say what I want to say. "That's because when I hang out with just you and him I feel like an unwanted third wheel," I say and he looks at me weirdly.

"What would give you that idea?" he asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"You. I kind of get the feeling like you don't want me around when he is," I say carefully and he laughs a little.

"That's crazy," he dismisses and I give him a questioning look.

"Is it?" I ask with a raised brow. "Because I don't think so. I think you like him and you rather be alone with him," I say and he laughs again.

"You think I have a crush on Tyler?" he asks with amusement in his voice and I roll my eyes.

"Dude, come on. It's just me right now, don't play," I say and he quietly looks at me for a second before sighing in defeat.

"So what if I do? It's not like I have a chance," he says as he leans back in his chair. "The guy is straight."

"Why do you assume that?" I ask and he looks at me like I'm stupid.

"Because he is really into girls," he says confidently and I roll my eyes.

"So are you," I point out. "I think you should try and go for it," I say and he shakes his head.


"Why not?" I question and he sits up straighter in his chair.

"For one, he doesn't even know I like dudes. And secondly I'm pretty damn sure he's straight," he says and I laugh a little.

"I'm pretty sure he won't care that you like guys. I really don't think he's a homophobe. He doesn't seem to have any problem with me or Kacey, or queer people in general. And what exactly makes you so absolutely damn sure he's straight?" I ask with a raised brow.

Stay With Me [Completed] (Destined to Be Book 2) [TeacherXStudent] {GirlXGirl} Where stories live. Discover now