Salem bent down,flashlight close on the ground,trying to find her footprints. "Should we split up?" The boy turned to the other,who shook his head. "So,you can get lost? No,thanks,I was there when your father had practically looked ready to beat the shit out of Tommy."

Salem chuckled,shaking his head. "Nancy!"
"Jonathan! Salem!" The boy's head quickly snapped up. "Nancy! I'm right here!"

The two boys continued to scream,not knowing where the girl was. And they were absolutely terrified that they didn't know where she was. "Just follow my voice!"
"Jonathan! Salem!"

Salem ran when he heard her scream,ending up in front of a tree,of which had a hole in it. Salem screamed out to Jonathan. His flashlight pointing at it. "What the fuck? Nancy?"

"Nancy! Follow my voice!" The two boys continued to scream and yell,hoping she heard. "Nancy!" As they go closer,a hand shot out,which made the boys fall backward. "Jonathan! Salem!"

Both boys shot up,reaching and grabbing for the girl's arm. Jonathan grabbed her hand,pulling her out while Salem gripped her elbow and forearm,pulling her out. And once her shoulders where through,he looped his arms under her's. Jonathan,grabbing Salem's waist as they both pulled the girl out. As all three of them feel to the ground,one of Nancy's arms around each boy. "I got you."
"We got you."

♛︎𝕱𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌♕︎

Salem Thorn had just called his father,standing next to Nancy,one hand rubbing her back. "No,dad,I know."

On the other line,Luke Thorn ran his hand across his face. "Now you call me? Do you know I had gone down to the sheriffs office,demanding that they search for you?" Salem breathed out,not sure of what to say. "I'm sorry dad,I didn't think we'd be so late. But,Uh,I'm staying at Nancy's."

He heard his father sigh,about to say how he didn't like the idea. "Plus,we are working on a project." He looked to the floor,seeing Jonathan had set up to blankets on the floor. His eyes snapping up when the door opened. "Listen,dad,I gotta go. Nancy's threatening to push me out the window if I don't get off the phone. Goodnight."

Salem quickly hung up,after his father had also said goodnight. Now turning to the only people in the room. Nancy nodded slowly,her ands wrapped around herself. "I can go home,I just-"

Nancy stopped Jonathan,speaking to both boys. "Yeah,no. I...I don't want to be alone." Salem nodded,understanding why she wouldn't want to be alone. "Do you?"
" Salem?"

Salem shook his head,shoving his hands into his jacket pocket. "I don't scare easily,but,I was scared for you Nancy. I'd like to stay,but if you-" Nancy nodded her head again,telling the boy he could stay,and treat she's prefer if he stayed.

Nancy walked over to her bed,Salem and Jonathan settling in the blanket bed. Salem using the small couch pillow,putting his arm under it,and keeping his jacket on. His gun,being held in his hand,facing the window. "Can you just come up here?"

Salem raised an eyebrow,confused. As he wasn't sure who she was speaking to,and the bed definitely wasn't big enough for three people. Jonathan turned to Salem,which caused the boy to title his head,mouthing for him to go.

Jonathan got up,picking up the blanket he had,and handing it off to Salem,before climbing onto the bed. "Do you know any the light off,or-" Nancy answered quickly,not letting him finish. "On."

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