Chapter three

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CHAPTER THREE: the case of the missing lifeguard

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CHAPTER THREE: the case of the missing lifeguard

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"This is stupid," Salem Thorn muttered as he hid behind the bush with Steve Harrington and Dustin Henderson. The three were searching the mall for anyone that was suspicious.

"You see anything?" Dustin asked.

"Uh, I guess I don't totally know what I'm looking for," Steve replied.

"Evil Russians."

"Yeah, exactly. I don't know what an evil Russian looks like."

"Just look for anyone who looks suspicious," Salem tells him.

"Tall, blond, not smiling," Dustin speaks. "Also, look for earpieces. Camp, duffle bags, that sort of thing."

"Right, okay, duffle bags." Steve starts to scan the area, and as Dustin starts go name more, ignores him. He glanced over at Salem.

"Okay, give me the binoculars," Dustin took it from Steve. "You don't need then if you're just going to stare at Salem."

"So, Dustin, how are you?" Salem questioned.

"Oh, apparently, he's got a girlfriend, named Suzie." Steve informs. "Claims she's hotter then Pheobe Cates. And then tried to say is hotter and smarter then you. How exactly did you score that beautiful girlfriend?" Steve asked, clearly mocking Dustin. "Oh, yeah, with my advice."

Dustin interrupted him. "The same advice you followed when it came to Salem?"

"That was different!" Steve whisper-yelled. "This is how it works, Henderson. I give you advice; you follow through. Not the other way around, all right, Pea Brain?"

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