Chapter 18: The Halfway Point

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 I walk along the path back to the castle for the second time. For the first time, I see someone else coming towards me. They sprint past me after a few seconds and I turn to watch. I see them dart inside the building, slamming the door.

I debate whether I should go see what is happening for a few seconds before I hear shouting. Then, I turn back quickly and resume walking, listening to the noise get quieter as I do.

When I reach the gates, I see a group of people standing and talking. A few of them are wearing the uniform of the Fallen and a few in a different one. When they see me, the talking slows.

I walk past them and through the gates. Even the guards are listening to the group whisper.

Passing through the courtyard I see more people than normal. Most are dressed in a way that suggests they are important. Some in various uniforms. One or two are wearing the type of normal clothes that you would see on the street.

The doors are almost all the way closed, with an inch wide gap. I have to push them open, and even then they creak a bit.

Inside the castle is just as busy, with more people walking around. I see Brenna talking to someone who then nods and walks away.

I walk up to her. "What's going on?" I ask.

She looks over at me. "Just some things."

"Is this one of those things that I need to stay away from?" I ask. Brenna shakes her head.

"No." She looks past me, out a window. "We're leaving soon."

I perk up at that. "We are?"

"Yes. So go get ready."

I spin around and quickly walk up the stairs. I dodge a few people, who give me weird looks then turn down the hallway.

Only one person is walking down the hallway. I quickly recognize them as Asa, who nods at me as we pass.

I open the door to my rooms only to find a pile of things already laid out on the table. I close the door silently and go over to them.

In the stack are folded clothes from Earth, a few hairbands and on the top is a book with a note on it.

I pick up the note to read it and smile, shaking my head. I lay it back on the book and pick up the pile.

In the bedroom, I set the book with the others and take the clothes with me. Before I go into the closet I run to my nightstand and grab my watch. I walk into the closet and promptly remove the suit.

Minutes later, I walk out of the closet dressed in a normal pair of pants and a shirt. I tie back my hair and lie back on my bed. I grab the closest book and open it.

As I read, I also keep my eye on a corner of the sky. Specifically, the sun's position in it. Around midday, I hear a knock on my door.

Brenna rushes in as I look up from my book. Her hair is swept to the side in a manner that suggests that she just ran from somewhere. She asks me something, but says it too fast and I can't hear it.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you ready?" Brenna repeats, slower.

I nod and mark the page I am on.

She nods. "Good. We're leaving."

"Now?" I question, standing up.

"Better to leave now and miss all the chaos."

"What chaos?"

Brenna's eyes flash. "Forget I mentioned it." Then, her eyes connect on a point behind me. "Come on."

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