Chapter 17: The Fallen

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 I finish the book somewhere around midday. Although it wasn't the best thing ever it did the job of taking my mind of things

Well, now what do I do? I could always go to the library but it doesn't seem so appealing. It's not night, people will be awake. And someone probably has already heard about one of the two fights. Neither of which I want to talk about.

I stand there for a few seconds, thinking, before I remember the stack of books in my room.

As I start walking into the bedroom, I hear a creaking outside the door. I turn around and go over to that door.

I press my ear against the door and listen closely, trying to hear. After a few seconds, I am about to give up. Then, I hear talking.

Low voices float into the room, followed by more moving. The voices grew a bit more focused after a couple moments.

Bits and pieces float through the door. I hear words like "No," and "We can't". Most of them are spoken by one person, although another says a few things every once in a while.

Then, the first clear sentence flows in.

"Why are we standing out here? These rooms aren't in use."

More murmuring. I shut my eyes hard and pray they chose the room across the hall. Footsteps sound, then a door creaking open. And I get pushed back.

"I'm telling you, this war is useless," Someone says, walking into the room. "Damn, this room is nice."

The other is silent as they walk further into the room. "We do what the queen tells us. And frankly, if the stupid prophecy is true, then at least we get a new queen."

"But who says that this one won't be the same?" The first says, moving over to sit in a chair. "I mean, they are related."

"This one is part human. Humans typically don't do this stuff." The second crosses his arms.

"Have you been to Midgard? They had two giant wars within less than 50 years." The first one leans over. "Hey, look at this."

The other walks over and looks down at what the first is holding. "Shit. Someone else must've been in here."

"One of the maids?"

They stand up and start walking in different directions. One going to the bedroom, and the other to the dining area.

I walk over to the chairs and sit down on the couch, muttering to myself. How did they not see me? Was it the weirdass Mist thing again?

A string of curse words that I don't entirely understand float from inside my bedroom. I duck right as the first walks out of the bedroom carrying something. "Kare!" He shouts and the other comes out.

"What?" The second, Kare, says.

The first lifted the object. I see fabric and curse myself for leaving clothes out.

"Look. Someone has been using this room."

"Yeah. But they're not here." Kare sighs. "Look, stop overthinking everything. Ove, listen, the queen knows what she's doing."

The first, Ove, lowered the clothes. "I don't over think," He snaps.

"Fine. You over analyze." Kare sighs. "Let's get out of here before whoever is using this room comes back."

"Too late," Another voice calls out from the doorway. I turn and see a black haired figure. As she moves forward, the light catches on her black eyes. "Lords Kare and Ove. What are you doing here?"

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