Chapter 40

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Peter and Freya both set up the table while May made dinner for everyone

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Peter and Freya both set up the table while May made dinner for everyone. At first Pepper told May she didn't have to cook for them as she was a guest in the house but May wanted to make dinner for them as a thank you for letting them stay while they found a new apartment.

Peter watched Freya as she placed the plates on he table "What did Clint want?"

Freya shrugged her shoulders "He came to see how I was doing" Peter watched her she carried the plates but nearly dropped them when her hands started to shake.

Peter noticed this and quickly stepped forward and grabbed the plates before they hit the ground. Freya stared at the plates in surprise while Peter stood up "Was that all he came for?"

Freya gulped but nodded her head "Yeah he's just worried"

Peter placed the rest of the plates on the table and stepped on front of Freya "Are you sure?"

Peter could tell that something was bothering her, especially since she nearly dropped the plates on her feet and the way she's avoided eye contact with him ever since Clint came.

Freya sighed and looked up at Peter "Pete what is this about?"

Peter narrowed his eyes "You've been avoiding me ever since Clint came to talk to you"

Freya sighed and leant against the table "He mentioned Nat, it made me a little upset that's all" She was right, she did get upset when he spoke about her but she didn't know what to do with the file that was currently lying at the bottom of her draws.

Peter knew she wasn't telling the full truth and he wanted her to just tell him what happened but May had walked in with their food stopping him from confronting her.

Later that evening while Peter was in the shower Freya reached into the bottom draw of her bedside table and took out the file.

She laid it out in front of her and sighed. She wanted to open it and read what was inside, to learn what Hydra had on her but she couldn't do it. She knew what would happen if she opened it. And she didn't want that anger to consume her anymore.

Peter dried his hair with a towel as he walked out of the bathroom only to jump when he nearly bumped into Freya.

Freya closed her eyes and sighed before holding out the file so he could see it "Clint gave this"

Peter dropped the towel on the bed and took the file from her hands. He examined the front and recognised her name written in Russian, the same as what it was in her old files.

It explains why she's been acting weird all afternoon.

"Did you read it?"

Freya shook her head "I wanted to but I couldn't" Peter looked back up at Freya seeing her holding back her tears "I can't let myself fall back and I know that if I read what is in there I'll let my anger consume me and I don't want to be like that anymore"

Peter threw the file on the bed and grabbed each side of her face to pull her closer. Freya let out a sound of surprise when her lips met his as she didn't expect it but she relaxed and kissed him back.

Peter pulled back from the kiss when he needed air to breathe. A big smile formed on his face as he placed a light kiss to her forehead "I am so proud of you"

Peter pressed another kiss on her nose "And I know that Tony would be so proud of you right now" Freya smiled through her tears and leant forward to kiss him once more.

Freya pulled back and reached for the file. Peter watched as she held it tightly in her hands "What are you going to do with it?"

Freya knew the only way to destroy it for good was to burn it. She walked towards the bin she had in her room and knelt down in front of it.

She closed her eyes and set fire to the file. She opened her eyes seeing the file in her eyes slowly being engulfed in flames. She dropped it into the bin and stood back up.

Peter wrapped his arms around her from behind and watched as it burned. He was so proud of how far she had come. This version of Freya is the version he knew she would become when he met her, she just needed to let go of her past and now as the last bit of it burned away in front of them he knew that now she could truly be happy.

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