Chapter 30

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Freya's knee bounced nervously as Tony took some of her blood

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Freya's knee bounced nervously as Tony took some of her blood. Steve watched on from the side, not wanting to admit he was nervous too about what they might find. Tony took the needle out of her arm once he had taken enough blood "We're going to have to take a brain scan too" Freya sighed knowing that they would have to as it seems to affect her brain more than anything else, she was just afraid of what they might see.

Once they had taken the brain scan they all waited around for the results from the two tests to appear. After a few minutes of complete silence the machine beeped and Tony was quick to rush over to see the results.

Freya and Steve both stood next to him to see what he found. Freya stared at the screen in surprise "Is that my brain waves?" It showed massive activity in her brain, more than a normal human being.

Tony nodded and shared a look with Steve who realised the same thing "We've seen something like that before" Freya looked between them confused "Where have you seen it before?"

Tony took one of the tablets and brought it over to the stones to scan one of them. He brought it back over to Freya and showed her the activity of the stone which had similar activity to the brain scan "Before Ultron I had the opportunity to run some tests on one of the stones, the results from your brain scan is similar to the stones"

Freya remembered the story of Ultron but knew that it was after Thor took Loki back to Asguard with the Tesseract. Freya looked down at the tablet "This isn't from the space stone is it?"

Tony shook his head "It came from the mind stone"

Freya nearly dropped the tablet in shock as she looked towards Steve "When did Hydra have the mind stone?" Finding out that Hydra was in procession of one infinity stone was frightening but finding out they had procession of two of them made Freya feel sick to her stomach at what they could've done.

Steve scratched the back of his neck nervously "Hydra stole the septure from us the day we stopped Loki and as far as we know they did run some experiments with it as that was where Wanda's powers came from"

"After seeing it being successful with Wanda they used it on you to make you more powerful" Freya sat down on a stool as she processed everything. Freya ran a hand through her hair and laughed bitterly as she realised what that meant "So that was where the alter ego came from. I was harnessing two different infinity stones powers and they both were fighting for some control"

Tony rubbed his temples "At least that explains the nightmares" Steve nodded "And it explains why you were able to destroy the stone in Wakanda"

Freya nodded slowly as she started to come to terms with what they found out. Steve watched the girl nervously when she didn't respond "What are you thinking?"

Freya sighed and leant back in the stool "I'm thinking Rumlow really messed me up"

Steve froze slightly at the name. Freya saw this and rolled her eyes "I figured it out when we went back in time, he was the only one who didn't wear a mask around me, he took the septure. I don't remember but he must've used it on me"

"He mentioned you in Lagos" Lagos to Freya was a little bit of a blur. She knew she was there, she knew she fought the Avengers with Rumlow and she definitely remembered fighting Steve at some point but back then she wasn't fully in control of her mind.

"Before he died, he mentioned Bucky and his Prodigy" Freya stood up curiously at his words but Steve wasn't meeting her gaze "What did he say Steve?"

When Steve shook his head as if talking himself out of saying it which caused Tony to sigh"Cap" Steve glanced at Tony who gave his friend a pleading look "No more secrets"

"He said that no matter what we did to save you, you being unable to be controlled is their biggest weapon and eventually you will burn us all out"

Freya stared at Steve in shock at his words "Burn you all out as in-" Steve nodded his head sadly "Killing us all. They needed some way to eliminate their threats and you were it"

Tony looked at Steve confused "If they used her to assassinate their threats, why did they need to use the helicarriers or even Barnes?"

Freya winced slightly which caused both men to look at the girl who was sending a guilty smile "I may have escaped, I was in hiding for a couple of months before they found me"

Tony stared at her in surprise "How'd you get out?"

Freya smiled softly "Bucky"

Steve's eyes widened as Freya explained "He was the only one there that wasn't as rough with me. He wasn't fully himself but I guess seeing them bring in a little girl and watch as they tortured her must've sparked something and he let me out. In Washington I was originally suppose to work with The Winter Soldier, they said something about stopping the Black Widow but I didn't want to do it and he knew that somehow and one night he opened the door to my cell and let me go"

Tony leant back as he absorbed the information "Washington would've ended differently if both of you worked together" Freya winced at just the thought of how much more destruction they could've done.

Tony moved forward and pulled her into a hug, one that she happily took "Now that we know where your abilities come from we know how to control it but now you need to go and rest"

Freya pulled back and shook her head "I don't need to rest"

Tony pointed towards the tablet "That clearly shows that you need to rest. You're emotions are high which are causing your abilities to work harder. You need to lie down"

Freya looked at Steve for help but he only shrugged "I agree on your dad on this one"

Freya groaned but Tony just glared at her "You need to rest and it's gonna take some time before the gauntlet is ready" Freya glared at him but Steve just wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her towards the door and when she protested Steve only picked her up and kept walking until he got to the living room.

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