Chapter 2

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The dinner that evening was full of small talk and laughter

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The dinner that evening was full of small talk and laughter. It has been awhile since all of them sat down for a meal together.

Pepper smiled at Freya "How was Wakanda?" Freya glanced at Tony briefly before speaking as she was trying to find the right words "It was eye opening"

Peter noticed how tense she has become and grabbed her hand under the table and gave it a squeeze.

"What did you find out with the research?" Freya played with her food while she thought of a lie she could tell since none of them knew the real reason she went to Shuri for help "Um..."

"She went to see Barnes" Freya dropped her fork and sat back in her chair as she glared at Tony "Really?"

Tony sighed "He deserves to know"

Peter dropped her hand in surprise and stared at her "You saw him? I didn't even know he was there"

Freya sighed and looked down at her hands "After his relapse Steve took him to Wakanda for Bucky to go under cryo until they can figure out how to get rid of whatever they put inside him"

Peter looked at her confused "But why would you want to see him after what he did?"

Freya looked up at Peter to see him frowning at her "Because he's my friend"

Tony scoffed "If you call stabbing your friend a friendship then I must be doing something wrong"

Freya stood up from the table "I'm sorry if he is the only one around here that understands what I'm going through at the moment"

Tony glared at her "Maybe if you spoke to us instead of going behind our backs then we wouldn't be so angry"

Freya leant forward on the table "And what could you do to help me? Run some tests? Maybe but will that determine I'm going insane or that I'm just being paranoid"

"I can tell you right now you are being paranoid. I saw what was on your computer before you left"

Freya stared at him in disbelief "You went through my stuff?"

Tony stood up too "You we're hiding something and all of a sudden you wanted to go to Wakanda. They have some of the best tech and that's coming from me, you didn't go for research, you went so you could get tested"

Peter stared at them confused "Tested for what? Are you sick?"

Freya shook her head "I'm not sick"

Toy decided it was time to drop the bomb shell that he knew she was hiding from everyone "She went to see if her powers were back"

Peter's eyes widened in shock "W-Why would you think that?" Peter shook his head "Actually why didn't you tell me?"

Freya closed her eyes at the sound of pain in his voice "Because I keep having nightmares and I didn't want to worry you"

"But you could've told me" Freya reached to grab his hand but he moved it away before she had the chance. Freya frowned "I was scared"

Peter avoided eye contact "Is it back?"

Freya shook her head "No. tests came back normal"

"And the whole Bucky thing?"

"It was just to help me figure out the nightmares. Turns out when your mind gets highjacked you go through PTSD"

After the dinner Freya went to her room after Peter refused to talk to her. She knew he was hurt and trying to process everything but she couldn't help but feel a little bit hurt.

She changed into one of Peter's many science pun t-shirts and laid in her bed. She had assumed he had left since it had been over an hour since dinner but when she heard her door opening softly she was surprised to see Peter walk in.

She watched him as he moved around in the dark. He took of his t-shirt and jeans before crawling into bed next to her.

She moved so she was on her side facing him while he looked up at the ceiling "Are you mad at me?"

It was quite for a minute while Peter pondered on what to say "I'm not mad" Freya let out a quiet sigh of relief "I'm just hurt"

Freya sighed and rested her hand on his arm, thankful he didn't move away from her touch "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you the truth"

Peter turned his head to face her "Why didn't you tell me about the nightmares?"

Freya thought about it for a moment "I don't know. At first I thought it was just normal but when they kept happening I started to panic and that's when I started looking into it"

"How long have they been going on?" Peter was scared to know the answer.

"They started about a month after my powers went" Peter closed his eyes and ran his hands over his face "They have been going on for over a year"

Freya nodded her head "Yeah but they come and go"

Peter finally looked at her "When was the last one?"

Freya thought back trying to remember when it was "Probably two days ago"

Peter frowned as if remembering something "Was that when you called me in the middle of the night?"

Freya bit her lip and looked at him guiltily "It was one of the worst ones. I was really shaken when I woke up and the first thing I did was call your number but you didn't pick up but I heard your voice and I was able to calm down"

Peter looked at her sadly before he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. Freya sighed as she rested her head in the crook of his neck "Next time you have one let me know. I'll always be there"

Freya smiled and kissed the skin on his neck "I know"

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