Chapter 32

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Clint coughed and groaned in pain as he tried to move the fallen rocks off his body

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Clint coughed and groaned in pain as he tried to move the fallen rocks off his body. One moment he was talking to his wife on the phone the next someone tried to blow them up.

Clint heard the static of his comms and the shouting that was being cut off from being too far down. He pushed himself of the ground and stumbled forward to see if he could find someone. It was hard to see in the dark so he turned his torch on and looked around. He stopped when he saw a hand covered in blood. He rushed over and on closer examination he knew it was Freya.

With all of his strength he pushed the rubble off of her and once it was out of the way he knelt down to check if she was still breathing. She had a few cuts to her face and a gash on her left side but what concerned him the most was that she was unconscious. He could see that she was still breathing by the way her chest moved but the bleeding cut on her side was concerning him as he quickly put pressure on it.

While his left hand covered the wound his right hand gently shook her shoulder to wake her up. After a few attempts Freya finally let out a groan of pain making Clint sigh in relief as she opened her eyes.

Freya looked around at the rubble surrounding them "What just happened?"

Clint laughed bitterly "Someone tried to drop a building on us" Freya glared at him and went to sit up but the pain in her side was unbearable. Clint pushed her back down gently "Not to alarm you or anything but my hand is stopping you from bleeding out right now"

Freya looked to where his hand was on her side and groaned "That explains the pain"

Freya reached her hand down and and tried to remove Clint's hand but Clint only shook his head "I'm not taking my hand off"

Freya rolled her eyes "You will if you want me to heal" Clint went to protest but Freya nodded her head "Trust me on this"

Clint nodded and retracted his hand for it to be replaced by Freya's. His eyes widened when her hand started to glow over the wound and once it stopped glowing she removed it only to see no wound.

Clint looked at it in surprise "You can heal?"

Freya shrugged "Not fully, just enough to keep fighting" Clint helped her up and looked around "We need to get out of here"

They walked through the rubble until they found a tunnel. Freya climbed onto one of the bigger rocks with the little strength she had and looked down and smiled when she saw the gauntlet "The gauntlet, It's here"

Clint who was standing nervously froze when he heard a low growl further down the pipes. He couldn't see because of how dark it was but he took his bow out anyway just in case "Just grab it so we can go"

Freya reached down to grab it just as there was a louder growl grabbing her attention. She met Clint's gaze who took one of his arrows out and shot it towards where they heard the noise.

Freya's eyes widened when they saw the group of aliens, similar to the ones that she faced in Wakanda making their way towards them.

Freya quickly grabbed the gauntlet and jumped down before they started to run in the opposite direction. They ran through all of the tunnels to find a way out. Clint knew where they were and dragged Freya to the end of the tunnel. He fired his grappling hook and pulled Freya closer to him "Hold on!"

Freya grabbed onto Clint just in time and they flew up but an explanation from below them separated the two once they reached them top.

Freya groaned as she hit the ground harshly and rolled to her side to see if she could find Clint and the gauntlet but they were no where to be seen.

Freya pushed herself up from the ground and limped towards and opening between the rubble. She stepped out to the outside and she froze at the sight in front of her. The compound was completely destroyed and hovering above them was the spaceship she saw just before the rockets fired.

Freya climbed down the rubble when she heard fighting and rushed towards it only to stop when she saw the familiar Titan standing over Steve.

Freya didn't have time to think about how he was here as she rushed toward the two. She jumped and landed between the two which caused a blast to push Thanos away.

Thanos stumbled back and stared at the girl in front of him. He snarled and before she could react he lifted his arm and hit her so hard she flew into one of the many rocks that littered the place.

Steve looked to where the girl had fallen and watched as she tried to stand up but only fell back down at how much pain she was in.

Freya looked up just as Thanos held up his sword causing the doors to open on the spaceship. Her eyes widened as she watched as the army grew bigger by the second.

Steve spat out the blood forming in his mouth and pushed himself up. He tightened the strap on his shield which Freya had just noticed had cracked in two.

Freya pushed herself up too, getting ready to fight Thanos when she heard static in her ear from her comms "Cap it's Sam. Can you hear me?"

Freya glanced at Steve in shock to see Steve's shoulders slumping in relief of hearing his friends voice "On your left"

Freya turned to see one of the portals that Dr Strange used and watched as T'Challa walked out with Shuri and Okaye before Sam flew out.

Freya's felt tears in her eyes as she watched as other portals opened and more of their friends walked out. They did it.

The one that caught her eye was the one which Dr Strange walked out of. When she saw the familiar Spider-Man suit she helped her father design five years ago swing out of the portal her hand flew up to her mouth.

Peter looked around briefly seeing the destruction but when his gaze landed on a blonde girl who looked exactly like his girlfriend he felt tears in his eyes.

Freya turned back to Thanos where the smirk he was wearing had now wiped from his face as he saw the portals and how big the Avengers actually were. Freya smirked knowing they now had the advantage.

"Avengers! Assemble"

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