part four- i understand

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Dream spent the next hour explaining the situation to George. He tried his hardest to keep it together but the further into the story he got the harder it was. Throughout the explanation he would need to stop to regain himself while George would tell him to take his time and to breathe. Dream explained how the worst part of the entire thing was not the fact that he was cheated on, but that yet another bond of trust was broken. He went into how heartbreaking it felt to watch someone he's leant on for support and reassurance break his trust in a matter of seconds. Throughout the time sam and dream were together without their trust being tested, Dream slowly began to mend from his major trust issues. He was getting better after years of trying, and he was proud. But as soon as he heard sam tell him what she had done, his entire progress over the years reset itself. 

By the end of the story, the tears had returned to dreams eyes and sobs were escaping his lips yet again. 

George was heartbroken. It physically hurt him to know he couldn't be there with him to comfort him. It pained him to see the tear drops roll down dreams cheeks like the rain drops on window panes after a storm. It pained him to see Dream hurting. It killed him that dream was struggling for years and he never knew. And it angered him that Sam hurt him even further, for she knew dream wasn't always happy and was commonly anxious. She made him break. She made him feel like all his progress was for nothing. And to George that was unacceptable. Suddenly, George was struck with an idea. He typed as fast as he could into the chrome search bar. 


He looked at the call and saw dream sniffle, wipe his eyes, and look back up at him. He looked into his eyes, all glassy. It was difficult for George not to cry too. He understood dream. He loved someone and they cheated too. No, it wasn't nearly as bad. But he understood. He hated seeing Dream in his similar position. But he couldn't let himself show that. He needed to be helpful, thats all.


"Do you think you have nothing going on in... 3 WEEKS FROM NOW ARE YOU JOKING!" George asked, seeing that all plane tickets to Florida were only available in 3 weeks.

"I mean... where else would I be? why?" Dream replied quietly.

George pressed a couple more keys and with a click of a button, he was going to Florida.

"Well Im coming in exactly 3 weeks"

"George what!" He asked shocked.

"Im not gonna leave you there alone, plus I think it's about time we meet up yeah?"

"George I can't believe you're coming all the way over here for me..."

"You'd do it for me. I wanna be there for you"

"That mean's a lot George thank you"

"You're welcome"

Dream yawned signalling to George that Dream was still running on a lack of sleep.

"Dream take a nap. Also turn off your socials for a bit. You need space to breathe. Ill be here when you wake up. I promise"

"I was just asleep George its fine"

"Yes but you clearly need sleep. Please. We can continue talking in the morning."

"George what about my channel?"

"You're  allowed to take breaks dream. We'll figure it out. Together. But you need to sleep first."

"Fine. Thank you george" He smiled slightly, a slight glimmer finally appearing in his eyes. 

"Talk to you in a bit alright? And ill see you in three weeks" George giggled.

"See you"

The call was ended yet again. George waited about 30 minutes to be sure that he was asleep before going on twitter. He had one final idea.


Georgenotfound: Send me fan art of dream- Write a nice message if you can :) I need it for a project k thanks

He was ready to make the most of these three weeks. He was going to be as helpful as he could from miles away. 

And when they finally meet,

Well he'll make sure theres not a single dull moment for Dream.

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