part three- show me

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Dream was woken by his phone pinging repetitively. He slowly sits up from his reclined position on the couch, picking up his phone to see the notifications were from George. Before looking at what he said, Dream took a moment to get a glass of water. Oddly enough, Dream felt decent. He definitely felt better than he had in days. He sat at his desk and opened his messages.


Georgie: morning dreeeaaammm

Georgie: ok

Georgie: Good you're sleeping you need it

Georgie: listen

Georgie: when you wake up

Georgie: I wanna ask you something

Tea Kettle: morning

Tea Kettle: what's ur question

Georgie: well its not really a question

Tea Kettle: George just say it

Georgie: Facetime me

Tea Kettle: what?

Georgie: please I need to tell you something and I wanna say it to your face

Tea Kettle: But I told you yesterday I cant

Georgie: I know

Georgie: I remember

Georgie: its all I could think about

Georgie: please it could only be for five minutes

Tea Kettle: George I cant

Georgie: You can, Im not going to force you if you're really not ready 

Tea Kettle: I've been crying for two straight weeks I look like a mess

Georgie: I don't care, I just need to see your face so I can tell you something

Dream put his phone down. Was it worth the risk? Could he do it? He thought back to yesterday and how supportive George was. So why not.... if he was that helpful yesterday why wouldn't he be today? Taking a deep breath he texted George back "ok" almost immediately getting a FaceTime call in response. He answered but tilted the camera to the ceiling.

He could see Georges face on the screen. He looked nervous yet excited at the same time. Dream felt his face heat up, but couldn't place the reason. It's just George.


"Yeah?" He replied quietly

"I don't want to see the ceiling"

"fine" Dream quickly propped up the camera but spun his chair around so he could only see the back of dreams head.

"dream pleaassseee"

Dream put his hood up and pulled the strings, tying them together so his face was hidden and then turned back around.


"alright alright fine" Cautiously and slowly, dream tugged at the strings of his hoodie, letting the knot come undone. He pulled his hood down completely and ran a hand through his hair, shaking it lightly to try and help it a little bit. He saw himself in the camera and sighed, he shouldn't have called looking like this. He was a mess.

George on the other hand stared at dream in shock. He took the opportunity to study each detail of his face. His nose, lips, eyes, and his beauty- George shook the thought, 'no dream is upset focus on that.' He couldn't lie though, Dream definitely exceeded Georges assumptions about his looks, which was saying something considering he thought dream would definitely be.... well attractive. But Dream was his best friend after all, so no matter what Dream looked like it wouldn't have changed anything. What mattered was how amazing he thought his friend was. 

"Take a picture it'll last longer" Dream joked, though it came out as a more meek tone rather than a joking tone which wasn't his intention. He looked down at his hands and quietly laughed, "listen this is why I didn't want to show you what I look like. Now you can know who I really am and I have nothing to hide behind. I know im not attractive its fine-"

"dream stop... you're gorgeous I don't know how you cant see that."

"you're just saying that."

"im not"

"yesss you are" dream retorted looking back up at George, but soon looked right back down at his hands. 

"no. we aren't arguing this. you shouldn't be worried about what you look like, if anything I should now." George laughed.

"stop that's not true"

"It is but that's besides the point. I was trying to sleep last night  but all I could think about was what you said. I wanted you to show me what you look at so that barrier breaks between us. Im not going anywhere. not now not ever. Im here. Always. So having this connection is safe. I don't care what you look like, I care about how great you've been to me. Thats all that matters to me. Nothing could stop me from seeing you as my best friend who tries his best and cares about everyone so much. Look at me dream" Dream hesitantly lifted his head, his green eyes meeting Georges deep brown ones. "You are my best friend in the whole world. Im not leaving even if you push me away. You don't have to be afraid anymore. I wish you could see how much me and sap, bad, EVERYONE cares about you. We love you for you. thats all. I just wish you could see yourself like I see you."

"George I-"

"You are worthy of love and trust. Even if you don't see it just yet you will. I know you will."

"George thank you... I care about you too, so much."

"Whatever happened, which you don't ever have to tell me, Im here to help you when you need me. even if its 3 am ill listen."

"Ill tell you, I mean if I can show you my face and you reply like that" he chuckles quietly, "I trust you to know. I trust you George."

"You do?"


"Im really happy to hear that" George looks down, a huge smile covering his face. Thats when Dream knew he could do it. He knew he needed to talk about the situation. He's learned how bad it is to not talk about it even though it was easier. He could tell George what happened

after a long pause dream begins again, "Remember what I told you yesterday? about trust issues and insecurities, and only being able to tell sam?"

"yes of course"

"You know how sam and I have been dating for years (a/n hi idk if thats true ok bye)?"

"yes...?" Georges eyebrows furrowed slightly, his face signalling he was worried for the next sentence that dream would say.

"well we broke up and I was cheated on" Dream said, a fake nonchalant tone lacing his words, a huge fake smile plastered on his face.


teehee cliff hanger 

don't worry btw he's not saying this like he's over it... I just tried to write how I bring up bad news because thats what im used to understanding. Basically you sound super happy to cover up you wanna cry so weeeee

Ok byebye

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