part one- the rainfall

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Dreams head lays on the arm of the couch as he raises his hand to rub his eye. The exhaustion from not sleeping must have caught up with him. He notices the rain begin to tap on his window, the sound of each droplet filling his ears. He finds himself taking a deep breath, hearing his phone ring yet again. Dream drags him off his couch, taking unsteady steps to the window sill, sitting down. He takes a moment to look out his window, watching each drop of water race down his window intently. He felt the connection to the rain sooth him like it always had. Placing his forehead to the cool window gently, he lets out a soft exhale as his phone stops ringing. The silence was only temporary for his phone began ringing yet again.

Clay raises his hand to the window, using a small amount of pressure to push himself away from the window. Frustrated, he goes to shut off his phone, but he caught a glimpse of the name popping up on his small screen. George.

He stares at the name, wondering if it had been him calling him for the past few weeks. Letting it ring a couple more times, Clay hesitantly presses the green answer button, raising his phone to his ear as he falls back on the couch.

As soon as the line was connected, he could hear George speaking anxiously, though he couldn't make out any words. Soon enough however, George could be heard gasping at the unexpected answer from Dream.

"DREAM!" George exclaimed, breaking up slightly at the loud sound. Dream flinched at the sound, for he had been sitting in silence for days.

"DREAM THANK GOD! where have you been are you alright? dream we've been so worried" George anxiously rambled.

Dream opened his mouth to speak, the only sound escaping his lips was a choked sob. He hadn't even realised he was still crying, he assumed it was just being such a normal thing that he couldn't tell when he was crying.

"Dream...." George whispered. "Its ok.... it's fine..."

Dream struggled to respond, the only word he could think of was, "no"

"oh clay" George began, his voice signalling slight hesitancy. "what happened?"

"I-" clay began, immediately cutting himself off as he starts remembering the events of the prior week.

flash back

dream looked at himself in the mirror, checking to make sure his hair was the way he wanted and he looked good enough for his date with Sam. This date was a special one. Even as young as he was, he knew in his heart that Sam was the one. So today was the day he was going to tell her. He was going to ask her to marry him. Sure he was nervous, but recently he had felt closer to her than ever. He was confident she would probably say yes.

He arrived at the cafe about five minutes early. He sat fiddling with the ring box in his pocket. Soon, Sam walked through the door nervously tugging at the hem of her shirt.

"I have to tell you something" they both began simultaneously, each laughing awkwardly.

"you go first" dream said with a smile .

"no please go first" sam begged, an usual urgency to her voice.

"o-ok" dream began nervously, clearing his throat.

"Sam I know we're both young, but I've loved you more than I could love anyone. You're my world and I don't know what I could do without you. I love everything about you, and I don't ever want to let you go. I wanna spend the res-" Dream says meaningfully, though is cut off by sam yelling,


the entire cafe turned to look at the pair, hurt clear in Dreams eyes.

"Clay I came here to break up with you.... please stop" she spits out.

"what?" dream says, his voice cracking.

"I can't keep doing this. Theres somebody I ran into a couple months ago.... from my high school... I can't keep sneaking around with him.... Im sorry Cla-"

"how long" Clay stops the girl he had loved more than anything, shutting his eyes shaking his head.


"how long have you been cheating on me?" clay asks, overwhelmed by his emotions.

"please don't use that word-"Sam says awkwardly

"what word? Cheating? why? do you not like it? I was about to propose sam." he scoffs "how long"

"2 months"

"2 months! wow" dream shakes his head. "I'm sorry I can't be here right now."

Dream pushes himself off his seat and headed out the door, hot tears pouring out of his eyes.

end of flash back

"N-nevermind, sorry, bye" dream speaks, his voice horse from not speaking throughout the week.

"NO, no please dream stay on the phone" George begs

Dream stayed silent, unsure whether he wanted to leave or stay like George asked.

"please clay.... please stay on the phone" George pleaded, his voice cracking. Had George been crying too?


"please dream! please just don't hang up"

though he didn't want to, he couldn't bring himself to turn George down.



this is unedited so lmk if there's something I need to fix

im also in history class so yeah idk I probably messed up a lot-

rain || dreamnotfound/greamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ