Karna in Kampilya

Start from the beginning

Soldier- As you say

Soldier rush to Karna tent and told everything Karna was shocked and went out to see

Karna- Arjun Yudisther my brother

Karna run towards them and hugs them and start crying you are really here in front of me

Arjun & Yudisther - jyshat

Karna- You both are here were is Mata and everyone

Yudisther- they are waiting for you In Kampilya palace and jyshat Arjun wins the Swayamvar of Panchali

Karna- I know everything my spies informed everything what happened

Arjun- You know everything

Karna- Yes everything you all 5 married to Draupadi let's go

Karna Yudisther Arjun reach to Palace

Karna was welcomed by Drupad and Dhristdyumna Karna enters in the palace Yudisther and  Arjun take Karna where everyone was Karna enter in the room Bheem Nakul Shadev run towards him and hugs him

Karna- My brothers

Everyone was crying Arjun and Yudisther join them and hug

Nakul- jyshat after a long time

They all broke the hug Nakul Shadev and Bheem they all Parnipat jyshat

Karna crying Ayushman Bahva

Kunti and Draupadi enter in the room
Karna get more emotional after seeing Kunti

Kunti and Draupadi enter in the room Karna get more emotional after seeing Kunti

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Karna- Parnipat Mata shri

Karna stands up Kunti hugs Karna and start crying it was very emotional for everyone Draupadi was get emotional after seeing Mother Son reunion they broke the hug wipe his mother tears then he wipe his tears

Kunti- Putra Karna she is Draupadi

Draupadi- Parnipat jyshat

Karna- What blessing should I give you because you have my 5 Invincbel Brothers

Draupadi- But jyshat I need your blessing

Karna- Sadha Shuagan Raho Draupadi

Kunti- congratulations Putra you completed your Digvijay

Karna- It was your dream that your sons do Digvijay and I completed your dream well Mata I have to rest

Everyone took Karna to his room

Draupadi- Mata I have to Ask one thing

Kunti- Ask Putri Draupadi

Draupadi- Is Jyshat Married

Kunti was shocked to listen this question

Draupadi- Mata

Kunti- No Putri He is not married

Draupadi- Why all his younger Brother get Married but he is not married

Kunti- I don't know

It was Night Karna wake up and he was sweating and then he go to the window and start looking to the Moon he was lost in his thoughts Shadev enters in his room

Karna- Closed his eyes Vrishali

Shadev- (In Mind) Vrishali Who is Vrishali?

Shadev go out and come again in Room jyshat Karna open his eyes and comes  out of his thoughts

Karna- Shadev What happend

Shadev- Jyshat Mata shri is calling you for dinner

Karna- You go I will come in 5 Min

Shadev- Ok while going he was thinking who Is Vrishali I should ask jyshat No No he will not tell me anything I have to find out

Shadev reach in Dinning room Everyone was thier Shadev was thinking

Kunti- Where Is Your jyshat

Shadev- Mata jyshat is coming in 5 Min Karna enters everyone was thier Karna and everyone Karna sits and eating food

Kunti- Was shocked that Karna eating what he never liked

Karna- I have completed I have to go Parnipat Mata Maharaj Drupad

After the dinner

Kunti- Nakul Shadev

Nakul&Shadev- What happened Mata

Kunti- I think Karna is not well

Nakul- Why you do feel this

Kunti- I think you not noticed he was eating the the food he never liked

Bheem - Mata it is very normal Human sometime eats which they never like and may be he is trying something new

Yudisther- Bheem is right or may be after long time he was with the family

Shadev- I think I have to tell everyone Mata Jyshat I have to tell something to you all

Kunti- What Shadev

Shadev-  I am right or not but when you send me to call jyshat when I enterd in room he was looking at the moon and I listen a name Vrishali

Everyone was shocked to listen the Name

Kunti- It's a girl Name

Yudisther- Shadev do you listen anything else no

Bheem & Arjun- But who is Vrishali?

Nakul- Why jyshat take his name

Shadev-  I don't know anything else

Arjun-  we have to find

Arjun was near the window he saw an Eagle coming in this direction

Arjun- Eagle this time and Eagel goes to the room wher Karna was staying Mata I saw an Eagle and it went to Jyshat room we have to find now

The most awaited part of the Story is going to start

Precap- Letter Who is Vrishali and suspense

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