"Why's he here, though?" Arthur gasve the inquizzitive pirate the stink eye. "Shut yer trap, man! I'm gettin' there!" the men laughed, Alistor shaking his head with a grin. "There's your mother's temper. Comes from the Scottish side of the family, you know." Arthur smirked at them before continuing, trying to find a way to avoid saying that he was worried about Francis. "Yea, so I ended up meeting my uncle--"

"How? Details, boy! A good story needs details!" Arthur growled feircly, getting a loud reaction.

"He sounds like your sister did, Cap'n!" Allistor nodded peacably, waving Arthur to continue. Athur scowled at Smelly Joe before elaborating.

"Yea, we.... ended up meeting in jail, kind of..." the men burtst out laughing and Arthur couls feel his face flush. Allistor tapped his shoulder, whispering in his ear.

"It's not you they're laughing at, it's just that that's usually expected of Kirklands, basically, and they're surprised that you're so much like your family after being gone so long. alright?" Arthur nodded slowly, calmed by his uncle's council as he continued, carefully choosing his wording. "Yes, Francis manipulated LaFluer perfectly to put my uncle and I together, when he knew that he would be punished if uncle Allistor found out that he wasn't me, and I'd have to say the frog performed perfectly under the circumstances, damn him and his kind." Francis didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he knew he really wanted to hug Arthur.

However, he was very aware of the presance of the men and Arthur's first impression being made, so, wisely, he decided against it as Arthur continued, having got into the hang of telling the story.

"So, I get tossed into the cell, and there's this man, just sitting there rambling out a sea shanty, so I go over to look about," Arthur grinned, poking one of Allistor's silver buttons for emphasis as he spoke, "and I goto look at these beautiful silver buttons, and suddenly he's got my wrist in an iron grip!" Arthur had sucessfully put the men on the edges of their seat, all of them watching in facination as Arthur talked, using words and his hands to form a perfect picture of what happened.

"I'm just shocked when I learned he's my uncle, and I was sitting there, scrambling for an excuse, when he pops out with the news that he was in jail at my age!" Allistor's face turned red, the color magnified by his bright shock of hair.

"So, I ended up waking up with his coat over me--" He paused to allow the chorus of 'awwww's that came from the crewmen. Allistor's face couldn't get more red as he waved them off, scoffing. "Oi! It's a common decency that any man would do!" Arthur laughed as the crew poked fun at Allistor before finally waving them down.

"But, I wake up with the coat and find him just chatting with the guards abut security, which makes a lot more sense now, and they call uot my name. I was absolutely mortified, thinking that Francis would be put back in an orphanage and I'd be beaten to an inch of my life, and uncle looks at me, and he smiles. His first comment? 'You have your mother's eyebrows'." Everyone laughed at that. Apperantly the Kirkland eyebrows were infamous...

"Anyway, he just casually asks the guard how much it'd take to get us out, and I'm thinking they're going to charge us with bribing an official--"

"That's a rule now?" Arthur facepalmed at his uncle's innocent comment before continuing. "Yes, uncle, you aren't supposed to bribe officials now. Anyway, they accept and we're out in a flash and headed for the tavern that LaFluer owned, and uncle just busts in the door and demands to se the French bastard!" the crew gave an 'ohhh' of admiration and Allistor waved a hand bashfully. "Tis nothing." Arthur shook his head in slight awe.

"Nay, uncle! You were amazing!" He looked back to the crew, givnig them a grin that he strongly suspected had the same mad touch as his uncle's. "He confronted the bastard, demanding the truth from him with a blade to his throat! the frog tried to clam that he'd been keeping me well, but I professionally disputed the charges, I did, and showed uncle how I'd actually been kept, and uncle get really, really mad." the men were completely silent as Arthur dropped his voice to a low and calm tone.

"He looked him right in the eyes and called him out on every single wrong he'd done me and the Kirkland name, very, very calm and quiet, but I could practically feel the wrath waiting to erupt as he very calmly and very quietly told the man that he was taking Francis and I, and that he was never to treat another human like he'd treated me or he'd kill him right then and there! LaFluer, the bastard, looked about ready to piss his trousers, he was so scared!" Francis smiled, watching the boy look so completely confident compared to the bruised-up boy he'd first met. sure, he still had the cowed posture, but Francis doubted that Allistor couldn't train that out of him. The man seemed like he could do anything he set his mind to...

"And uncle just walked out with us, right then, no questions asked." The crew gave a cheer as Arthur ended, a grin splayed across his face that brought out the famlily resemblence between him and his uncle as Allistor patted the table, getting their attention.

"Alright, lads, if we're ging to be in Southampton by noon, we're going to have to get a move on." Allistor ruffled the boys' hair affectionatly, a proud smile displayed as the boys squirmed away from his hair-mussing hands. "Uncle! Stop it!" Allistor laughed lightly and shook his head. 

"Alright, but only if you're good... when I need you to be."

For Queen and Captain {|Hetalia Human AU|}Where stories live. Discover now