Chapter 7 | Paranoid and Nostalgic

Start from the beginning

Seeing I had her full attention, I quickly dart away from her quivering body, bubbling with energy.

She's quick to react, her legs springing to life and catching up to my escaping figure.

We play 'chase' all the time before a refresh session. Learning to relax and get comfortable with the area around us.

"C'mon doll, you've done better." I taunt with a grin, flashing a smile behind my shoulder at the fast-paced horse gaining ground towards me, so I pump my legs a bit more to stand even some form of chance against the four-legged animal.

I begin to dart around, trying to confuse her and lose her from my track, running towards the spot where we started in the beginning.

Only a few metres from the spot I hear her heavy feet against the ground, thundering in a pace recognised as a canter. I don't last long after she changed into this pace, as I feel a small shove in the shoulder by the golden horse herself.

I stop dead in my tracks and spin around to face her. Her dark eyes staring straight at me with a playful essence radiating from inside them.

"I'm it." I laugh at her as she remembers this. It's now her turn to run and me to chase. So without a moment longer, she scrambles around and away from me at a flat out gallop me groaning in the process.

That's not fair, I can't run that fast.

I watch as she slows to a stop a couple yards away and turns her head as if to say, "well?"

"I'm not chasing you if you're gonna play like that!" I yell out to her and she lowers her head down low to the grass. "C'mon!"

I motion my hand to come back but she stays still.

A noise behind me causes me to shiver but I don't turn to look as it sounds a fair distance away.

I whistle the short then long whistle to her and she stamps her foot, turning around and then finally gets over my stubbornness and cantering swiftly up the hill.

"That's a good girl," I murmur as she slows to a stop in front of me.

I turn around to face the road and ask Miracle to stand in front of me, she does quickly and nuzzles into the crook of my neck, saying sorry.

I smile softly to myself and bring my arms up to wrap around the soft golden neck, and Miracle takes this opportunity to reach further over my body and push me closer to her chest from my shoulder blades.

I close my eyes for a moment. Taking this in. Miracle was actually creating a nice, simple affectionate gesture.

This is what I do all this for.

Moments like this.

My eyelids flutter open and as my eyes flicker to the road.

What the-?

There, leaning against the fence was a dark dressed figure. I couldn't see who the person was, but they were quite tall.

They were dressed similar to myself, black skinny jeans and a dark coloured jacket. They were wearing a beanie, enabling me from identifying their hair colour and facial features from the distance I was at.

I was right, there was someone following me.

I felt as though I should go towards the figure, just as someone would in a horror film, but I felt that it was a bad idea.

Just ignore it, they'll go away.

Taking in a sharp breath, I pull away from the embrace and cue Miracle to bow with me.

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