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"My full name is Tengku Avryn Adryssa Xyla Dilarier Alexandra, only daughter of Tengku Azric Axyan Dilarier and Tengku Aurora Kyle Dilarier, twin sister of Tengku Arzyn Adryean Xyle Dilarier Alexander and the last princess of Dilarier legacy plus ...

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"My full name is Tengku Avryn Adryssa Xyla Dilarier Alexandra, only daughter of Tengku Azric Axyan Dilarier and Tengku Aurora Kyle Dilarier, twin sister of Tengku Arzyn Adryean Xyle Dilarier Alexander and the last princess of Dilarier legacy plus I'm born in the United Kingdom."


Rania terkejut sehingga terlepas cawan kaca di tangannya.

"Any questions?" tanya Arzyn bagi pihak Avryn.

"Are you the CEO of Axeyal'D Incorporation?" tanya seorang wartawan.

"Yes. I'm the CEO of Axeyal' D Incorporation and COO of Anylax' D Incorporation," jawab Avryn dengan yakin.

Semua tetamu terutamanya ahli perniagaan yang hadir tercengang.

"Are you Tengku Arzyn's fiancee?" tanya seorang lagi wartawan.

"How can I marry my twin brother? That's just a drama we put on together to shut all the rumours. Now, I'm not anyone's fiancee and I'm single," jawab Avryn dengan senyuman nipisnya sambil memandang Arzyn di sebelahnya.

"You or Tengku Luciana is the last princess of Dilarier Legacy?" tanya wartawan lagi.

"I am the 4th girl heir of Dilarier and the last princess as well. Our legacy needs to keep my identity secret for some security reasons and need to disclose my identity now because of some important matters," kata Avryn dengan tegas.

"Before I end my press conference, I'm going to summon lively some people with a solid reason," kata Avryn dengan dingin lalu mengambil kertas yang baru dihulurkan oleh pembantunya.

Messed with the wrong person!

"I, Tengku Avryn Adryssa Xyla Dilarier Alexandra, summoning Rania Aliana Dato' Seri Eliot James and Alzeera Husna Dato' Seri Adam Jaafar RM 1 million lively. Both of you can see my lawyer for further matters," ujar Avryn mendatar sambil menatap tajam wajah dua orang itu.

Raut wajah Rania dan Husna sudah pucat apabila nama mereka disebut.

"Lastly, I'm summoning Tengku Adam Hadriq Leon Tengku Louis Marteen Leon RM 1.2 million."

Avryn merenung tajam muka Adam yang tercengang apabila dirinya turut disaman.

"Seriously? Adam is also summoned?" bisik Farheen kepada Kaish di sebelahnya.

Kaish hanya mengangguk.

"Thank you for your cooperation. I end this press conference here,"

Avryn bangun dari kerusinya diikuti Arzyn dan Luciana.

"We have come to the end of the event. I invite all of the guests to have their dinner before leaving. Thank you."

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