"But first of all, I want you to know that I tried to tell this to you earlier but couldn't. So hear it all out and than react." He said, now focusing on my eyes.

"Okay," If he keeps saying statements like this, I am gonna get a heart attack from the anxiety.

"So hear it goes.." he started, putting his plate on the surface of the bed and taking a deep breathe.

"When I had realised that there's nothing I can do to become normal again, I had moved to france, where my mom lived before she met my dad. I had no idea who she was before becoming the queen, but I knew I'd find comfort there. I spent about 50 years there and then decided that I wanted to see the whole world. It took me 50 years to accept the reality. And then I spent next 100 years going to different countries, living there for about a year or two, learning new things. After that, I wanted to visit my father's tomb, so I came back here. What I had not expected was that people could touch me here. It didn't happen anywhere else in the whole world, and I have even been to Antartica. It happens only in London. No one noticed it the first few times including myself, but after some more instances, people started to notice. It was very hard for me to go out in public. I had to be constantly aware of not touching anyone. But I had my slip ups. And that's why people here think that the prince that had vanished hundreds of years ago, is a ghost now. And I don't know how, some people has made up theories and one of them is exactly right. They think the prince is indeed, alive but his stepbrothers did some black magic and turned him invisible. Violet, your friends are not asking you questions because they are terrified. Not all of them, but mostly."

What ?


Harry was looking at me with nervous eyes, waiting for me to say something.

"I don't think they are terrified." I say after a few moments of silence.

His eyebrows raised in confusion at that.

"I mean, firstly, they all hate Emma and don't really focus on anything she says. Secondly, I think none of them believes in ghost. And thirdly, Zayn just confessed he likes me last night. He won't do that if he's terrified, right ?"

What the hell did I just say ?

"Zayn confessed ?" His eyes widened as he asked.

"Umm.. yeah," I say awkwardly.

Wait, why am I feeling bad about this ?

It's not like Harry and I are in a relationship, we are just friends, I think.

"That guy is really crazy," He shakes his head in disappointment.

"But why ?"

I don't understand what is his problem with Zayn.

"Wait. Do you like him too ?" A sudden realisation of this possibility made it's way on his expressions.

"Well, I am attracted to him. And he's a nice guy, treats me with respect, so I guess I do like him." I say, speaking my thoughts out loud.

"So you guys are like.. a couple now ?"

"No, I told him that I am not ready to be in a relationship right now but I do like him too."

"What kind of answer is that ?"
Harry's face said he thinks this is all obsurd for some reason.

"I don't know, I just stated what was true." I shrug, still not getting the point.

"Oh god," He shakes his head as if he can't believe what he's hearing.

"What is so disappointing here ?"

I was extremely irritated at this point.

"The entire meaning of romance and chivalry has changed in this generation." He says, turning his gaze and staring at a distance.

"Care to elaborate?"

I am offended on the behalf of the entire generation.

What is so wrong with our generation ?

Yes, we confess and break up over text.
Yes, we fall in love over internet.
Yes, many of us suffer with depression and anxiety.
Yes, we are too sensitive about ourselves.

Why is it wrong ?

"I don't know how to explain it to you. Women are supposed to be treated with utmost respect, and trying to kiss them just after meeting her just one or two times is not respect, let me finish first." He stopped me as I tried to speak.

"I know it's not wrong either, and feminism is all about the equality. But what I don't understand is why are you fighting for equality when you're clearly superior ? The entire male population is in dept of the female population." He turned around and looked at me with question in his eyes.

My irritation had turned to pure shock now.

"The least we can do is treat you like queens."

He said it all with so much sincerity that I could see he truely believed what he was speaking.

"Chivalry is not buying you real diamond necklaces or taking you to dine in expensive places. It's about small things, thoughtful ones."

"Wow Harry." I couldn't hide the fact that I was in awe of him and was beyond impressed.

"You deserve the world, Violet. And Zayn is just offering you a piece of island."


When guys talk about feminism with such sincerity, it feels like maybe, we will be able to fight even harder.

What do you think about Harry's opinions ? Is it too much ? Or is it exactly how guys are supposed to think ?

Comment and tell me your answers, and don't forget to give it a vote !  😊


The Knight In Shining Armour (H.S.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now