the mysterious note and Jeff's stay.

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Hello fellow readers! Since I made POV's in the books, don't mind the previous chapters when I used the word "you" in (Y/N)'s POV. I thought it would be more fun to read if I used "I", so that you can see their POV (point of view) I'll fix the previous chapters if I can. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! . (。♡‿♡。)

(Note that I fixed the chapters👍 If you don't see any changes then try to re-add this book to your library and read it again. Thank you!)




The next day when I came back from school, I put down my bag in my room, put on some comfortable clothes and basically belly- flopped on my bed. Now I can relax...School was exhausting. 

But now it's Friday and my weekend has started.

I sat up on my bed and noticed a piece of paper on my desk. I was confused of how it got there, but yet curious. I walked up to my desk and picked up the piece of paper , that was folded double with the words "to (Y/N)" written on it. I was growing more curious as I unfolded it. It is a letter.

" Meat me at the carnival on Forest street at 9AM. Then go to the Funhouse."

It wasn't signed so I didn't know who it came from. I was
wondering who the person might be that would want to meet with me. It's not as if I have any friends. The person might've broke in here.

I froze by the thought of that... I have to see if anything was left open!

I frantically searched for an open window, door, basement window? But everything was closed. I don't understand.


For what seemed like an hour of trying to see a logical explanation I eventually gave up. I'll just have to find out when I meet up with them at the carnival. I have a feeling this won't go well.

I've gone downstairs and turned on the lights. I looked at my phone for the time.


I guess I can kill some time by watching a movie and read a book. I have nothing else to do an anyways.

As I turned on the TV and switched to some channels that would interest me, I hear a THUD coming from up stairs. I turned off the TV'S volume and looked at the staircase. It was quiet for a moment till I heard another THUD and a groan... Wait...

Frightened, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Again. And I ran up stairs to my room. I swung open the door and was surprised who I saw. On the floor next to the now open window, Jeff was laying there with his face on the floor and his legs out the window. It was kinda funny to see this, but I still held my knife, watching his every move. "What are you doing here?" I asked as he sat up and rubbed the side of his head. "I need a place to stay for a while." He answered.

"Why can't you go through the door like a normal person?"

"Eh. Too mainstream."

Jeff stood up and walked to my desk when he saw the Jack-in-the-box, still there. "Why do you have his Jack-in-the-box? It's not as if Jack will leave it to a random person." Jeff questioned.

"I.... Don't know." I answered.

Jeff then sat on my bed and snickered," Whatever. Jack has been acting strange lately. You won't happen to know why, do you?" I loosened my grip on the knife I was holding and eventually lowered it, since he doesn't seem to attack me any time soon. "No." I replied.

Jeff layed down with his hands
behind his head and gave a satisfied sigh,"... It's a nice place you have here." I just gave him a weirded out look and then shrugged," Just.. Don't make a mess." I walked out of my room, put the knife back where it was and turned on the TV again. I was a bit hungry so I made myself some noodles to fill up the hole while I watched some cartoons. I wasn't really in the mood to watch the news or any series. Cartoons are surprisingly entertaining, watching them run around and get hurt in ways no human can handle like they do. Like Tom and Jerry.

After for what it's about a long time watching cartoons I looked at the time on my phone. 21:45.
I haven't heard a single noise from Jeff that is possibly still up stairs. I decided to check on him and went upstairs.

When I stood by the door, I saw Jeff was till laying on my bed in the same position. He seemed to be breathing slowly, and calmly as I saw his chest rise up and down. It was kind of creepy because he doesn't have eyelids. He still look awake and he stared at the ceiling. Hasitantly, I slowly walked up next to the bed and when he seemed unfazed of my presence, I poked his head. He let out a snort and turned to face the wall.

Guess he is asleep. But where do I sleep then? Wait... My parent's bedroom. I think they won't mind if I sleep in their bed for one night, will they?

I turned off the lights, made sure all the windows are closed and the doors locked. I went on and charged my phone on my
nightstand next to Jeff and grabbed some pajamas before I turned off my bedroom light. I walked to my parent's room and got changed. I folded up my clothes and put it on their desk. I climbed in the queen sized bed and pulled the covers over me. The bed had soft covers and pillows. It felt like my head was going to sink into a cloud. It was very comfertable and I already started to feel a bit sleepy. My eyes started to get heavy and I  wouldn't move because of how comfertable it is. Now I'm starting to wonder why I can't have a bed like that. I brushed off the thought and told myself to be grateful for what my parents have done for me. They basically deserve this. All my thoughts started to disappear as my eyes closed. All went black and I drifted off to sleep, off to dreamland.


Hmmmm... Who wrote the letter to (Y/N)? ⊙﹏⊙


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