Reunited, but trouble

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Laughing Jack's POV:

After (Y/N) went to bed we followed Toby into the woods. It's obvious the Slenderman knows where we've been. I know quite well why he called us.

As we walked through the dark woods, fog covered the ground like white, soft blankets.  I looked at Jeff seeing his serious expression and my smile also turned into a frown as soon as I left (Y/N)'s house. It's awfully quiet and my favourite song popped into my head. But now is not the time to be funny, as I heard static noises in my ears. The Slenderman has been waiting for us, deep in the woods. He's been watching, as I predicted. He always knows where each and everyone is.

"Do you know why I called you both here?" His deep, raspy voice spoke, that made me and Jeff got a shiver down our spines. Even for an immortal entity like me, we know the horrors of punishment the Slenderman can give to any of us if we broke the rules. But don't get me wrong, not all his punishments are bad, just when you break an important rule.

We both nodded, not showing any fear to him. We are horrid killers, just like him, so we're not weak.

"Is (Y/N) a friend of yours?" He asks. As much as I want to lie, I know if I deny it, bad things will happen to her. "Yes" I calmly spoke up. She's not a playdate to me, wouldn't be so much fun anymore. Although, I am still wondering why only her. Why do I enjoy killing my usual victims, but not her? Something about her is familiar. Something feels like, we've met before. It feels like deja-vuu when I'm close to her.

Slenderman sighed and said," Humans like her makes you soft, and weak. I know she has no potential to be like any of us, she's innocent. Laughing Jack, do you know what happened last time?"

I froze as he asked. I did fell for a girl once, but she was killed when I found her. What happened after that was a blur. I don't quite remember how she looks like anymore. The Slenderman erased most of my memories of her as I was told I went on a rampage.

I replied,"yes." Even though I don't entirely remember.

The Slenderman took us back to the mansion, and forbid us to go back, unless we change our intentions.


It's been a while since I saw (Y/N). Killing bratty children and abusive adults hasn't been so fun when everything reminds me of her. In fact, I have been killing less and less children thinking how she would feel about this. What have she made me become? My playdate with Sally. A little twelve year old girl, blood running down her forehead and eyes, a nice pink night gown or dress, with cuts all over her arms and legs. Her eyes glow like emeralds and her brunette hair is long and wavy  with a curl, hanging down her forehead. That was at least as fun as it was before. I always have my little best friend, but I can't help to imagine how Sally and (Y/N) will meet, and play together. I told Sally about her and I could tell she was a bit jealous. She's very sweet, but she could be a little cranky sometimes. She could kill anyone if she wants to, like the night me and sally met..... Poor girl. But she's safe and living a happier life.

"Oh I'd love to have a new playmate! You're not going to replace me, are you?" She ask, pouting as she crossed her arms.

"Hehehe of course not Sally hehe." I laughed. She cheered and held her teddy in the air.

That night I couldn't sleep. I tried to think of who (Y/N) reminds me of. Why is she so familiar? Why do I feel like we've met long ago?

I started to remember every moment we had. The day I found her, staring at children playing. The time she was so shy when she spoke, when we had fun at the carnival. Suddenly, as I remembered our moments together, I saw flashes of her, but in different clothes. She wore pretty dresses every time she looked at me, that was till below her knees. She wore either boots or neat shoes with leggings. She wore a beautiful red necklace with every dress she appeared, and her hair always hung loose.

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