A deal

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(Y/N)'s POV:

As soon as I saw the figure, Jack pulled me into a hug from behind. What is that thing?! The man has no face! He's unnaturally tall and has a suit on as tenticles swayed behind his back. I could hear statics getting louder. I started to cough uncontrollably but Jack didn't let go of me.

"Hold on tight Gumdrop, you're going to be alright!"Jack said as black smoke begin to form around us. Then he continued,"Oh and you might feel a bit drowsy."

Before I could react to anything, the black smoke covered our surroundings and I could feel my eyes getting heavy, like anchors hanging from my eyelids. The last thing I saw before drifting off to sleep, was Jack's arms wrapped around me like ropes as the static noise faded away.

Laughing Jack's POV:

(Y/N) fell asleep in my arms as we teleported to my carnival. That would give us enough time before the Slenderman finds us again. I carried her to a tent, that's not littered with corpses. I haven't cleaned the place up because I didn't expect any visitors. I really do hope she doesn't see the mess here. I don't want to scare her, (Y/N) is the only one I care about right now.

I found my Jack-in-the-box  on top of a shelf. I maneuvered
(Y/N) carefully to hold her in one arm. For a guy with long arms, this would be easy seemingly she's small to me.

I reached for my box and looked inside. I frowned and furrowed my brows as I see my box isn't pleasant looking. At least it's cleaner than any other mess around the carnival, and it's not as if she'll mind it anyway.... hopefully.

I caught something at the corner of my eye and looked to the side, seeing a wooden kist. It might be an alternative option to hide her.

I opened it up and the stench immediately hit my nostrils. It didn't bother me that much, but it certainly does smell worse than anything. I closed the kist knowing that I can't clean out the rotten corpses in time. I guess I'm left with only one good hiding spot.

Luckily there isn't any risk to be stuck there anymore. I made sure of that. But I can lock it up whenever I can.

I opened the box, and held (Y/N) tightly against my chest. I climbed in as we shrunk like 10 clowns fitting in one very small car. The space were very limited and we both barely fit in. The lid fell closed and it's as if the roof were just above our heads while I sat with my legs crossed.

I don't like to be in here, especially when it's a reminder. Seeing the faded colours on the walls, to black drops on the floor, reminds me of how I became like the monster he created...

Before I got sucked into the bad memories of my past, I felt (Y/N) moving around in my arms, letting me snap out of my deep thoughts. She fluttered her eyes open and asked where we are. "Well, hehe, we are playing hide and seek!" I replied, laughing nervously. She raised an eyebrow, looking very confused. "Who are we hiding from?"

I was taken back by her question, as if she didn't remember what happened a few minutes ago. It must be the effects of the sickness I assume.

I put a hand on her shoulder and said,"Everything will be fine kiddo, as long as you stay here till I come back, nothing will happen to you."

I could see her eyes turned from confused to worried in seconds. "W-why can't you stay here?" She asked. Oh this is going to be tough for me. I really don't want her to be left alone in this box, but at least I'm the one coming back for her.... as long as nothing bad happens.

Without realizing I was staring into her (e/c) eyes, as I see her cheeks showed a tint of pink. It's as if I fell into a trance as I looked at her. It makes it harder for me to go, even if I have to. I pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly but not too tight, and rested my head on top of hers. A few moments of holding (Y/N) in my arms, I have to let go.

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