The man with the goggles

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I woke up feeling rested. As I stretched and yawned I felt a weight on the foot of my bed.


My eyes shot open and I turned my head to look-

I saw a familiar  white pair of eyes with silver sparkles in it. I stared at it as if I'm in a trance. I didnt know what to day nor can any words escape my mouth. "Hehe Goodnorning kiddo. You slept well?" Jack said with a smile.

A smile crept on my cheeks and I could feel a light warmth on my cheeks as I replied,"goodmorning Jack"

I felt his hand grab my arm and pulled me close. I was caught off guard and gasped as he held me in his arms and put me on his lap. I froze, I didn't know how to react. But my face felt warmer. "Aww you look so adorable  when you blush" he said and tickled me on my stomach with his long claws. I laughed uncontrollably and squirmed but couldn't escape his grip.

As I  gasped for air as I said through giggling and screaming," p-please haha st- stop hahahaha"

"Hmmm I dont know" Jack said in a joking manner, still tickling me.

"Please hahaha can't  haha breath"

He then stopped and let go, allowing me to inhale large amount of air. My face felt like it was going to blow from the pressure.

"Well are you just going to stand there trying to look cool or are you going to say hi"

Jeff stood at my bedroom door  with his arms crossed,"Didnt want to ruin your fun, clown"

"Wow not weird at all smily face"

"Yea whatever, but I found this letter on the kitchen table. Guess you should make your house more secured kid"

I was puzzled. The previous letter was from Jack but, from who did this one came from? He handed me the letter. It looks dirty and crumbled up and opened up again. It had some messy writings on it and a symbol.

We have been watching.

12 AM

Back yard

There was no signature, but a drawing if a sircle with an x through it. It's kind of frightening to see a letter saying someone has been watching you. Jeff and Jack stared at me. Both of them held a serious expression. I dont really know what that means but it made me feel uneasy. Something about this didn't sit right with me.

Jack noticed my worried eyes,"Uhm, dont worry kiddo! Jeffry and I" -he pulled Jeff closer with his extended arm- "will be here with you, remember?"

Jeff growled, knowing he wont get out of this without Jack dragging him to the back yard,"Yea..."


The rest if the day we spent it in doors. Jack annoying Jeff till the point they started to have a fist fight. I would have to patch Jeff up whenever he gets "accidentally " scratched by Jack. When I helped Jeff with his wounds Jack didnt look all happy. I felt like I was doing something wrong. As soon as I finished he instantly became cheerful.  


Today (Y/N) didnt want to go out so we spent in doors. I dont mind but it got bored in here. I annoyed the hell out of  Jeff  because his frustration is hilarious. As I was making a joke on acting like him, something in him said he had enough and started a fist fight.

I accidentally scratched him here and there and (Y/N) stepped in to stop our rough housing. I didnt really like it when (Y/N) nurtured Jeffery. Something in me was burning till I noticed (Y/N)'s worried face. As she walked towards  me I had to change my mood. I was quite happy to have her in my arms again.

It seemed like the clock was close to midnight.

(Y/N)'s POV:

The clock was close to 12 and I took in a deep breath. I'm nervous of what will happen when I step outside to my back yard in the dark. But at least I have two psychopathic serial killers by my sides. I hope. I've been through many situations  when people ditched me and I took the punch for it.

Jack and Jeff were whispering to each other and then Jack turned to face me,"Ok, (Y/N). Me and Jeff will stay hidden while you go outside. The one who wrote it would want you to be alone."

Sounds like a plan. I'm still nervous about this thing. Whoever sent me this letter must've known where I live (obviously) but if I dont show up who know what they'll do, break into my house, kill me in my sleep, kidnapping even. Do I have any other choice?

Its 11: 58 PM and we have two minutes left. Jeff thrown himself out the window and Jack disappeared in a puff of smoke. I'm surprised I didn't start coughing after all the times he's done it. It's like magic tricks the magician uses in birthday parties. But Jack just disappears in stead of hiding away. He's  like a magician with actual magic.

I grabbed my hoodie and stepped outside to my back yard. All went silent for a moment. A moment of overwhelming  silence and tension. When I heard the crickets again I felt just a bit at cease. But what I saw behind the trees and the fence brought the attention back up. It looked like a man wearing goggles in the dark. He jumped over the fence and started to slowly walk up the me. I started shaking from the fear and when he stepped  into the moonlight he looked a bit clear.

A young man with a pair of orange goggles. A brown hoodie with a blue hood. Brunette curly hair, and a mouth mask.

Jeff shot out the bushes and walked up to him,"Heeeyyy long time no see" the man with the goggles stepped back and bumped into a shadow. "Going somewhere  goggle boy?" Jack said in his raspy voice.

The man with the goggles didnt seem stressed but replied," H-hey.."

Jeff leaned his arm to his shoulder  and asked," So how's  the boss doing... Toby"


Sorry for not posting for a long time I had been busy. But hey another chapter and what it seems like a plot twist!


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