Part 14

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Yesterday we kidnapped Hobi and told him everything about us and his hidden powers , he looked shocked , he said he needed time to think about all this so we left him alone

when we came to the room
Hobi was not there I looked at Jackson and he was looking at me

Then Chanwoo said ' the demons had taken him '

I asked ' but how is that even possible we had casted a strong spell around here , no demons can enter here '

He said ' we underestimated them , they are more powerful then we thought '

I asked ' what we will do now '

He said ' we will again kidnap him  '

I said ' ok '

He said ' You both will not go to school tomorrow , we will kidnap him after his night shift at work '

Me and Jackson didn't went to school today , Hobi messaged us for why we didn't came but we didn't messaged back , he even call us but we didn't answed we waited for Hobi's night shift to end

When he exited from the restaurant I start walking to his direction his head was hung low , I stand on the way he was going and he hit my chest with his head
He said ' sorry ' without looking at my face , I didn't moved then he looked up and saw me

He asked me questions for why I didn't come , I just said that I was busy and offered him to sit with me in the park , he accepted

We start heading to the park and sat on a bench
He told me about what happened yesterday but he thought it to be a dream which made me surprised that he thought all of that was a dream

Hobi POV

Kai was surprised after I told him about my dream which was confusing for me , why is he surprised

He then said ' Hobi do you really thought that everything that happened yesterday was a dream '

I said ' yes ' and I again asked ' what do you mean '

He said ' what you said was reality not a dream '

I asked ' that means you are an angel '

He said ' yes ' and he mumbled something and then there was a pair of wings attached to his back

That means they kidnapped me yesterday
I was shocked  then I stand up from the bench and start heading to my apartment but he snapped his fingers , my vision start getting blurry and I fainted

I wake up with a slight headache , I moved my hand to rub my eyes  but I couldn't move my hands properly I looked at my hand I saw chain attached  attached to my wrist  my eyes widened in shock

I looked everywhere and find out that I was in the same room where I have been put after getting kidnapped

I started screaming and tears started forming on my eyes then I hear the door opening I looked there and saw Jackson

I said ' Jackson please release me you are my bestfriend I haven't done anything to you , I want to go home ' with tear filled eyes

He came closer and put his hand on my checks , he wiped the tear with his thumb

He said ' I am sorry Hobi I can't do anything ' and left me

After hearing that my tears started flowing like a river from my eyes , I couldn't think that my own bestfriend will do something like that to me , they chained me like I am a slave

I cried and cried till I fall sleep

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