Part 13

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Hobi POV

The voice seemed familiar
Then I recognised the voice it was V , he then put his hand on my eyes and I closed my eyes

After sometime he removed his hand
When I opened my eyes I found myself lying on my bed covered with blanket , I moved to other side and nobody was there which was awkward

' Was that a dream but that was didn't  like a dream it felt so real ' I thought to myself

I then looked at the clock for time and it showed 6:30
I then get up from my bed and went to my bathroom to freshen up , I came back with towel wrapped around my waist , I heard my room door opening I looked at that side and saw Jin coming
He said ' Hobi Breakfast is ready so dress-up and come before the food gets cold '
I said ' ok '
He came near me , put his arm around my waist and kissed on my cheeks , I just rolled my eyes
Then he leave and closed the door behind him

I then put on the clothes and went to the dinning table , everyone was already there talking to each other , the food looked delicious as always , there was a dead silence when I sat on my seat so I thought of starting a conversation

I said to them ' I had a very unusual dream , I was kidnapped by my best friends and one unknown person how's name was Chanwoo the amazing thing is that they all were angles with wings , they also told me that I have powers the dream felt so real that I remembered every detail '

After hearing what I said
RM said ' Yes your dream sounds weird '

I then ate my food and washed my dishes returned to my room to take my bag and came back
I said goodbye to all of them , they all said goodbye
But RM said ' wait '
I asked ' why '
He then came to me and put the necklace around my neck that they had given me
RM said ' You forgot to wear this '
I said ' Sorry '
RM said ' never forget to wear this '
I said ' ok '

I then opened front door and leave for school


Yesterday when Hobi didn't come back home after his night shift we all started to think what had happened to him

We all know that Hobi is gifted with powers that he doesn't know about and angles are also after him for his powers

Those angles are just fools that they think they can have our Hobi
We have a bond with Hobi that they don't know , we can find him even if he is in another dimension

I said ' V find Hobi and bring him back '
V said ' ok '
He then disappeared

After some time he appeared
He said ' I bring him back and he is now in his room '
I said ' ok '
I again said 'Jin go make breakfast for Hobi '
Then Jin went to the kitchen  made breakfast and went to Hobi's room to call him

Then after some time Hobi came out of his room and sat on his seat
He told us about his dream ( which was real )
' He is so cute and adorable , he thought what happened yesterday was just a dream'I thought to myself

He then ate his food
Before leaving I stopped him and put the necklace around his neck that he forgot in his work , then left for school

Hobi POV

When I reached school Kai and Jackson were not there which was wierd because they never skip school
I then texted them but they didn't texted back , I then called them but they didn't pick up

Then the bell rang and school started
First class was boring as usual , all other classes were also very boring
School ended and I went to my apartment

I reached there opened the front door
and went straight to my room closed the door , I throw myself on my bed and closed my eyes and went to sleep

I feel someone is tapping on my shoulder , I opened my eyes and saw Jin
He said ' Hobi wake up your dinner is ready '
I said ' ok '
He then left the room
I checked the time which showed  9:03 , I have been sleeping for so long
I get up and went to the dinning table
As usual everyone was already there
I sit on my seat and start eating
After eating I washed my dishes and went back to my room , I then hurriedly did my homework and then went to living room
I said goodbye to everyone and start heading to my work

When I arrived to work I greeted all my colleague and they greeted me back
I then went and changed to my working clothes , I start working with smile on my face
The time flew very fast and now my shift was over , I changed and start heading to my apartment

I walked with my head low looking at the ground while walking I hit someone chest
I said ' sorry ' and looked up to see who it was
The person was Kai
I asked ' Kai why you didn't come to school '
He said ' I was busy today '
I said ' ok '
He said ' let's sit at the park '
I said ' ok '
We then went to the park that was nearby  , I wanted to tell him about my dream so when we sat on the bench I told him everything about the dream and how it felt so real
After hearing what I said there was a expression of shock in his face

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